You know these people. Infact you may be one of them. Constantly complaining about one game or another like the devloper is trying to ruin your life or something.
Diablo 3 for example. Oh no its too colorful! In fact its so colorful I think I'mhaving a seizure. It looks like a cartoon. Yea I'd rather have a game that looks grey and boring.
Reminds me of people who made the same complaints about world of warcraft. Saying they wished the graphics were realistic. Its agame about killing dragons and trolls stuff. How realistic can it be?
And more recently Fallout 3.Oh no they've ruined the series! Its oblivion with guns, it doesn't have drug, you can't kill children. Shut up! I mean come on its not even out yet.
Stop acting like its the end of the world. Talking about boycotting the company. Fine don't play it. No skin off my nose. I don't know if I will either. But at least wait till after the game comes out to **** about it. Tired of this crap...