Superhero Movie Trailer
I am so much looking forward to this movie! it looks hilarious! who else wants to see this?
So, has anyone watched the new Spiderman cartoon? i watched an episode on youtube, i liked it, but its gonna take a while to get used to the character designs, for example...
This is a big change. i am so used to Spiderman from the 90s cartoon, but i have heard many great reviews of this show. ive only seen one episode. and sinse i dont get the CW Network which has kids WB, i guess im gonna have to wait for it to come out on dvd. and yes, they will probly have the 4 episode dvds like they always do, which is annoying, but i get them anyway, i just cant resist! i know its a rip off, but its the only way i can watch them until they come out in season format.
I was on youtube again, and i found some videos of fans attacking the wrestlers, there was one where this guy gets into the wrestling ring and knocks eddie guerero off of a ladder!
and there was another one where Sabu was walking through a crowd and one of the fans grabs his turban thingey clear of his head, as you might guess, Sabu didnt take this so lightly!
this one was the oppisite. an indy wrestler attacks a femal fan, for real
this last one is with Shawn Micheals (HBK 97), well im not really sure what he does exactly, its interesting to watch anyway. i guess he helps out a special olympian that gets over the guardrail.
hope you enjoyed my blog, have a great day!