So, I decided to do a bit of research on this topic since it's a huge problem for me. It seems many other people have this nuisance as well. It can affect you mildly, so that you can continue playing but you just feel bit uncomfortable with sudden movements or really badly, where you start sweating, feeling nauseous and even throwing up. It can start from anywhere to tens of minutes to a few hours into playing. FPS games seem to be the main cause but some get it from nearly any game if they play too long.
Some helpful tips that I found were:
-Play in a properly lit room, with window open if possible. Playing in a dark , breathing stagnant air is not good for you.
-Motion sickness pills can help but they can also make you drowsy and slower your reflexes. This is not good in most games.
-Ginger might help. I found tips from ginger pills to ginger ale. Anything really if it just has ginger in it.
-If possible, change the viewpoint further away so that there are no "bobbing" things on the screen, like a weapon or the characters head.
-Some people have found help from wristbands called Sea-Bands. They are supposed to work by pressing a certain acupuncture point on your wrist. Looking in to this some more it seems to be 50/50 if they really work or not.
I think I'm going to try those ginger pills if I can find any. I might also try the motion sickness pills anyway. Since I'm an allergy medicine and sleeping pill user too, it takes a lot to make me drowsy :lol: