I just beat the game. Here are some Stalker Clear Sky nuances i found both annoying and helpful. This is in comparison to the original STALKER, which i think is a superior game. Here are important nuances for former Stalker players to Clear Sky
-their is a repair system
- Money is excruciatingly tight. Leading you to do repetitive trips to kills zones raiding dead bodies, carrying as much as you can then running back to the nearest trading post just to make ends meet. Even then they rip you off badly. Extremely repetitive.
-Med-kits are hard to come by especially in the beginning. Have your save and reload buttons memorized. This kills the immersive experience because you need to save and reload to save health packs for long main mission story. The original Stalker had no problem with this because med kits were everywhere.
-Russian rounds vs NATO rounds have the same damage. There is no difference in damage if upgrade your Russian or Nato rifle to any standard.
- the upgrade system is flawed. For example, the assault files. While the starting baseline stats for rifles vary widely with Nato Gun superior to Russian guns; their upgraded statistics are the same....no really. This is because the upgrade path for ALL ASSUALT FILES have the SAME MAX statistics except maybe max catridge capacity (10, 20, 30, 45). SAME POTENTIAL DAMAGE, ACCURACY so on.
I found my AK 94 max upgraded max for accuracy was the same statistics as a maxed upgraded NATO gun assuming same upgrade path. In fact its better to"upgrade" your nato guns to 5.45 Russian round because its the most common round found. I used the same max upgraded scoped AK 94 gun from start to beginning not by choice because their was literally no better alternative. I upgraded several of the new guns on the same exact upgrade path and the final statistics were the same, so I just stuck to my old rifle. In fact my old rifle was better because 45 max capacity versus 20 max for some of the new guns.
I loved of the feeling in the orginal stalker when you run into the a new gun it was better than the one you were using. This is gone in Clear Sky
- Artifacts are useless. I found 6 of them beating the game, but didn't use any. First of all there are rare. 2nd of all they are put are the good ones in places where you can't get (instant kill anomaly) and the when you do get them, their radiations slowly kills you. In game that is a marathon rather than a sprint, constantly using antiradiation pills is not an option. I found no artifacts countering the radiations like in did in the original STALKER, so they all my artifacts were useless.
-Side mission aren't worth crap. The potential and cost of repairing weapons and armor in the process of completing side mission means the rewards aren't worth it. Side mission are also places extremely close proximity making it easier to complete but at the same making it them seem more like a gameplay gimmick than they already are.
- It seems mutants are upgraded from the original. They seems to shrug off your rounds and grenades. Those jumping four legged masked human mutants especially are hard to kill. I am more afraid of mutants in confined spaces sometimes than humans with their unnatural grenade skills.
- An upgraded pistols(Martha specifically) holding 18 rounds clips, max upgrade to accuracy or damage is extremely effective. I some cases I prefer the pistol to assault rifle because they reload faster and seem to actually take down mutants faster(dunno why). I also think that running backward firing an pistol instead of rifle is more accurate. I might be wrong, but it seems so
- The difficulty is uneven like the first Stalker game. When you get towards the end you are hit with a wall. Be prepared to have a lot of cash on hand for expensive battlefield repairs of armor and weapons.
- The game is really dark. The night is claustrophobic dark and even during daylight you find yourself turning on night vision to see enemies better.
-certain bandits can mug you of all you have touch you. Shoot bandits on site even if they try to talk to you.
-midway in the game, their is a unavoidable bandit mugging. You can get your gear back, but money is another story.
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