So here I am in Bangalore, India: land of high elevation and boiling heat. This, as you would imagine, is very different from Michigan where the seasons are distinctly seperated into freezing season, allergy season, random weather season, and construction season. So as I said in my first blog (if you managed to read it all), left Michigan on June 11th and I will be heading to the airport tomorrow to land back in Detroit on July 1st. It's weird though, I leave at 2AM on the 1st and reach the U.S. at 1PM on the 1st. 16 hours of flying + 3 hour waiting in Frankfurt = 11 hours passed. Weird.
My time spent here hasn't really been put to good use. I wanted to spend more time excercising but that didn't happen; spent more time sitting on my be, browsing through this site, facebook, and When I'm not on the web, I play FFVIII on my laptop (yay emulators!). We did a lot of travelling (which included two more dreaded plane flights) and that became tiring after some time. During the travelling part of the trip (plane/car), I was able to finally finish FFVII: Crisis Core. I SHOULD NOT have saved my finish data over the previous data. Now I have to get all the way back to the end to fight that Behemoth I saw behind that gate AND all my missions completed reset which sucks.
So it looks like most people have finished MGS4, while I have yet to start it. My friend who picked up my copy isn't helping as he keeps threatening to put it in the toilet if I don't come home soon. What's worse? A week ago, friend messages me just to tell me he bought a PS3 and loves MGS4. They are not letting me forget! I can't wait to take you all in MGO.
Send me your PSN ID if you play it a lot. This summer I'll be on a lot in afternoons and late night. See you on the forums and on PSN!
Note of the Day: Did you know that I made the user name LexTexRex when I was six?