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S.S.D.D. (A working week.)

10:30am : Alarm sounds. Wake up, hit snooze.

10:39am : Alarm sounds. Take the hint, roll over, grab laptop.

10:40am : Lie in bed, browsing the net, until....

11:15am : Realise it's 11:15. Get out of bed. Don a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. Head downstairs.

11:16am : Turn on the hot water, fill up kettle and put on boil.

11:18am : Wow, that kettle is taking its time boiling... Oh. Too much water in it again.

11:19am : Kettle finally boils. Make cup of tea. Add milk. No sugar.

11:20am : Head back upstairs. Wait for tea to cool to drinking temperature.

11:30am : Waited too long again. Tea is now slightly too cold for your liking. Drink it anyway.

11:31am : Hot water should be ready for a shower now. Have shower.

11:40am : Get out of shower, shake hair like a wet dog. Brush teeth.

11:45am : Get dried off. Put work clothes on. Head back downstairs.

11:46am : Browse the fridge/freezer/cupboards to find a suitable meal.

11:50am : It took you this long to decide to eat the same thing you do every day.

11:51am : Arrange assorted foodstuffs on baking tray. Pre-heat oven to 190C.

11:52am : You never wait for the oven to pre-heat anyway. Put tray in oven. Grab laptop again.

12:10pm : Wow, you barely even started browsing, and your food is ready. Move from tray to plate. Add a generous helping of mayonnaise.

12:11pm : Sit at table, with food immediately in front of you. Laptop just behind the plate. You have important browsing to do!

12:30pm : Eating takes longer than you'd think when you are more focused on browsing. Put empty plate in the sink.

12:31pm : Find yourself sat at the table again, browsing the net. Remain in this state until...

13:05pm : You've done it again. You get picked up in ten minutes, and you still haven't made your sandwiches for work. Get your act together!

13:06pm : Make sandwiches. What's on them today? Oh. Same as yesterday.

13:10pm : Sandwiches complete. Bagged up and in the lunch box.

13:15pm : Like clockwork, phone rings three times, and stops. Ride to work is waiting outside.

13:17pm : Get in the car, set off.

13:35pm : Arrive at work. Get out of car. Make way inside.

13:40pm : Get cup of tea from vending machine. It's never nice, but you drink it anyway. Sit in canteen until...

13:55pm : Get up, throw away empty cup, go to locker, leave phone and keycard inside. Go to briefing.

14:00pm : Supervisors treat you like children. But you know to expect that anyway.

14:03pm : Brief over. Start work. Nothing worth noting until...

21:55pm : Work over. Get belongings from locker. Head out into car park.

21:59pm : Get into car. Head home.

22:15pm : Arrive home. Get out of car, walk to house.

22:17pm : Enter house. Head upstairs. Kick work boots off. Grab laptop. Browse the net until...

02:29am : Post this rather pointless insight into my routine as a blog. Sign off. Try and get to sleep. See you again at...

10:30am : Alarm sounds......

It's been a while...

Wow, since my last blog post, we've started a new decade!

I need to get with the times! :P

"So what have you been up to since your last post, Liam?", I hear you say...

Well. Not too much, actually.

I'm still working, which is a plus. It's paid for a lot of the luxuries that I've acquired since starting.
I recently bought a Samsung 40" TV for my bedroom! :D

I've also bought a whole load of games since I started working, too. Must be pushing 40 games now.

I also turned 20 years old in November, and celebrated that by spending my birthday weekend in Munich, getting incredibly drunk. I would urge everybody on here to spend a weekend in Munich at some point in their life.

Christmas was very different for me last year, as it was the first year that I was working a steady job. So, in true festive spirit, I spoiled a few people rotten :P

For my dad, I got a Sony blu-ray player and a Manchester United DVD. (Unfortunately, it seems that it wasn't available on blu-ray.)

For my mum, and her partner, I went all out, and bought them a Slim PS3. The feeling of wrapping that up, instead of unboxing it for myself, was quite a strange one, but the reaction during the unwrapping was utterly priceless :P.

So those are the major events leading up to this point. I'm off to Munich again in March for my friends birthday. Something to look forward to is always a handy thing to have, when you're stuck in a pretty dull job!

Until next time.


I now know what it's like...

To have pretty much all your time consumed by a job :P

Which, in a way, is pretty good.

Looking forward to my first payday. Going to be a big step-up from Jobseeker's allowance :lol:

Anyhoo. I need ideas on the first thing i should buy after being paid...

Ideas welcome in the form of comments! :D

Other than that, I'm enjoying this spell of good weather, here, in the UK.

As ever, I'm pretty un-imaginitive when it comes to posting blogs, so I'll leave it at this :)


Mirror's Edge

Huzzah. Just finished Mirror's Edge on Hard difficulty. :)

it now sits next to Uncharted in the PS3 games that i've completed on 'Hard'.
now i just have to finish 'crushing' on uncharted.......

My Game of the Year '08

Ok, short post.
I'm restricted to PS3 games, seeing as it's the only console i have (aside from GC)
So. My GOTY '08 has to go to MGS4. Saw that coming, huh?

After following the entire series, this game is just incredible.
I can see why people that haven't played the others in the series may not agree that it is GOTY material, as the story really requires knowledge of what has happened previously.

Anyhoo. That's that.