10:30am : Alarm sounds. Wake up, hit snooze.
10:39am : Alarm sounds. Take the hint, roll over, grab laptop.
10:40am : Lie in bed, browsing the net, until....
11:15am : Realise it's 11:15. Get out of bed. Don a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. Head downstairs.
11:16am : Turn on the hot water, fill up kettle and put on boil.
11:18am : Wow, that kettle is taking its time boiling... Oh. Too much water in it again.
11:19am : Kettle finally boils. Make cup of tea. Add milk. No sugar.
11:20am : Head back upstairs. Wait for tea to cool to drinking temperature.
11:30am : Waited too long again. Tea is now slightly too cold for your liking. Drink it anyway.
11:31am : Hot water should be ready for a shower now. Have shower.
11:40am : Get out of shower, shake hair like a wet dog. Brush teeth.
11:45am : Get dried off. Put work clothes on. Head back downstairs.
11:46am : Browse the fridge/freezer/cupboards to find a suitable meal.
11:50am : It took you this long to decide to eat the same thing you do every day.
11:51am : Arrange assorted foodstuffs on baking tray. Pre-heat oven to 190C.
11:52am : You never wait for the oven to pre-heat anyway. Put tray in oven. Grab laptop again.
12:10pm : Wow, you barely even started browsing, and your food is ready. Move from tray to plate. Add a generous helping of mayonnaise.
12:11pm : Sit at table, with food immediately in front of you. Laptop just behind the plate. You have important browsing to do!
12:30pm : Eating takes longer than you'd think when you are more focused on browsing. Put empty plate in the sink.
12:31pm : Find yourself sat at the table again, browsing the net. Remain in this state until...
13:05pm : You've done it again. You get picked up in ten minutes, and you still haven't made your sandwiches for work. Get your act together!
13:06pm : Make sandwiches. What's on them today? Oh. Same as yesterday.
13:10pm : Sandwiches complete. Bagged up and in the lunch box.
13:15pm : Like clockwork, phone rings three times, and stops. Ride to work is waiting outside.
13:17pm : Get in the car, set off.
13:35pm : Arrive at work. Get out of car. Make way inside.
13:40pm : Get cup of tea from vending machine. It's never nice, but you drink it anyway. Sit in canteen until...
13:55pm : Get up, throw away empty cup, go to locker, leave phone and keycard inside. Go to briefing.
14:00pm : Supervisors treat you like children. But you know to expect that anyway.
14:03pm : Brief over. Start work. Nothing worth noting until...
21:55pm : Work over. Get belongings from locker. Head out into car park.
21:59pm : Get into car. Head home.
22:15pm : Arrive home. Get out of car, walk to house.
22:17pm : Enter house. Head upstairs. Kick work boots off. Grab laptop. Browse the net until...
02:29am : Post this rather pointless insight into my routine as a blog. Sign off. Try and get to sleep. See you again at...
10:30am : Alarm sounds......
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