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They are not zombies!

Dont you just hate when someone calls someone something they are not?

Well I do, and Im most certainly really angry because theres a lot of people in the gaming world (not only in gamespot) who LOVE calling anything that looks human or monstrous but at the same time harmfull a ZOMBIE.

First of all, let's see the definition of ZOMBIE in the gaming industry:

A zombie is an unlucky person who got KILLED and then, by X reason, he was returned to life...without humanity...

zombies love eating brains, they have, most of the times, open wounds and they are completly blood stained.

Now I will mention some creatures here, from games, which are NOT ZOMBIES, but however, are confused with them a lot in the gaming world.


"STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl" zombies

These guys are quite easy to take down, you first see them in the mission where you go rescue a scientist, they are pretty stupid and slow, but they can carry weapons.

The actual name of these creatures in the game is "Zombies" but this is merely a name given by the stalkers, the guys are not actually zombies, they are victims of the brain scorcher (a machine in the game which was used to brainwash the people who attempted to pass a certain forbidden place)

The guys are not actually dead, they have just been brainwashed and as a result, they are no longer rational, but still they never died and therefore they cant be zombies.

Trivia: The guys from GSC Game world (the ones which created the game) were actually planning to include undead creatures in the game, but they were removed in the last version before release along with other stuff, however with certain mods, you can see the removed undead creatures in the game (their code exist but is not used).

"Uncharted: Drakes fortune" Mutants

The sudden apparition of monsters in U: DF was certainly one of the crazyiest plot twist in the videogame history ever.

A lot of people think they are zombies because they look like undead creatures, however they are NOT, its true that the means in which they becamed mutants were quite paranormal (by the curse of el dorado) but once again, these unlucky guys never died, they just mutated for taking a piece of cursed gold with them and becamed hostile, a clear proof to this is when THAT guy (not gonna tell names for the ones who have not finished the game) opens El dorado he can be seen breathing some toxic air, after that the guy pupils turn black and he begins to mutate.

Trivia: They are also called "demons" by many players because Nate can read on the journal of Sir Francis Drake that there was a "demon infestation in the island" however, the people from 500 years ago called any thing that moved and was different from them a "demon", so dont be fooled, they are not demons.

"Doom 3" Demons

What is worst than facing a demonic invasion? facing a demonic invasion on mars of course! Doom 3 was a huge step for the franchise with the great graphics and gameplay and a couple of scares.

Like any other DOOM game, the enemys are demons, however, ZOMBIES DO APPEAR IN THIS GAME, and this is the reason why most of the people believe that every single enemy in the game is a zombie, but the zombies are only the dead humans, the rest of the monsters in the game are demons.

Trivia: Doom 3 is one of the games with most "easter eggs" in the videogame history ever.

and finally... *drums sounding* the last game in the list!

"Resident Evil 4" GANADOS

It is understandable that most of the people believe the enemys in RE4 are zombies, mainly because the saga was well-known of having zombies as the main antagonists...

However, once again, RE4 significated a huge plot twist in the RE saga, you played as the special government agent Leon S. Kennedy and went to an unknown location in Spain to rescue the kidnapped president daughter.

The enemys in RE4 are called "Ganados", they were once normal persons, who lived a normal life, but however they got inffected by a parasite called "Las plagas" which turned them into "Ganados": Intelligent and rational beings with inhuman capacities.

However once again, the hosts never died and once again, they are not zombies because of that!

Trivia: At the beginning of the game, when you finish killing the FIRST GANADO, if you take some 5 seconds and go examine his corpse, Leon will say "HE IS NOT A ZOMBIE" which should be enough to know that the guys there are NOT zombies.

Bet you thought I was lying right?

And with that, I close this entry, hope you guys enjoyed! more blogs comming, goodbye!

I HATE Sephiroth and Cloud

Yeah, I made an entry just for them!

I hate them both, most overrated videogame characters ever, Im SICK of seeing how Sephiroth always wins "best videogame villain of all time!" polls and videos...

he is not that great, and about Cloud...I think it's self explanatory, or should I just say "I CANT DO IT....IM NOT STRONG ENOUGH!!!! *wrist*"

yeah, short entry, I know, but I really hate them, FF7 fans got a long-deserved swift kick in their goodies when Cloud got pwned in ATGH on Gamespot...

"All time most POPULAR hero" dissapointment

Hello guys

It's been quite a bit since I dont write a blog...

I must admit that I didnt had any inspiration, but now I do, and guess what? it has something to do with all time greatest hero!

Well the thing is that I already lost all my interest on the "contest

why? well thats because the winner has already been declared!

exactly, the winner is either mario or link (like always) and that just sucks!

I must admit that I loved to see cloud being kicked by kratos, FF7 fans really needed that swift hit to know that FF7 is the most overrated game ever...

well I really didnt liked the fact that snake losed, dont get me wrong, Freeman is one of the greatest char ever, but im saying, Snake was the only char who stood a chance against link, and changing the predicted destiny of the contest.

Pls let me explain myself.

Yeah, Snake losed to freeman, that doesn't mean that snake didnt had a chance agaisnt link, you see, for example, link could have beaten everyone on his way so far, but if he would have been in the first fight against...lets say...the prince, he would have lost (im obviously speaking hypotetically) but instead, the prince fought against mario and he lost.

my point is that some chars might get their ass's kicked by some chars, but they could have done way better against someone else.

Now its the predictive competition...mario and link in the finals...thats the reason why I wont vote on the finals (I just voted for freeman on the semifinals) they are not great heros, they are popular hero's and this contest was not meant to be a popularity contest!.

Im tired of seeing mario winning, and you guys must also admit that since B&B, snake and duke lost, the forums are awfully empty! I think that many people already lost their interest as well!-

well thats it...for now...other blogs comming soon, hope you enjoyed! see ya guys!

Enter like a legend, leave like a thug.

Ahhhhh, I love the smell of new franchises in the morning!

Doesn't matter if they are winners, or if they are just here to fill space in this huge videogames world!

Some developers, such as Hideo Kojima, Jordan Mechner, John Carmack and Mr. Miyamoto have the "Gift" to make their new franchises smash hits.

What kind of gamer hasn't heard about Super Mario Bros?

Who didn't completed MGS for the PS1 around 10 times?

Who didn't buy all the weapons in DinoCrisis 2?

And who didn't have Prince of Persia installed on their D.O.S?

Of course, they all enter like strangers in a big town; no one knows them, and no one expect much from them! But in just a bit, they realize that these guys, once inside the ring, are boxers who can't be KO'd easily!

While on the other side, there are some franchises, which get all the hype that a franchise can get in video games world, and once they get to the market, people would just like to know what kind of stuff did the programmers inhaled to believe they were creating a great game?

Sometimes the developers get too overconfident. Sometimes, the great success of their new franchise could just have been a lucky streak, but they don't actually consider this, they think that they made a good game! And thus, in the next installment of the franchise, they put the least effort, and checks, because they were sure that if they made a great game, then the next one would also be great, even after they don't put much effort on it.

"At first instance, Haze was a promising FPS title, developed by the legendary Timeshift team; sadly, developers' overconfidence brought us a big fat 6.0"

I feel really sad when I see how some of my childhood favorite games entered the ring for a last fight in a really bad shape, and they get crushed...

Some of the most notorious franchises that fit on the "Enter like a legend, leave like a thug" title could be:

Dinocrisis: The first installment of DinoCrisis clearly stated that anything that capcom touched (at that time) became gold, doesn't matter how ridiculous it would look.

The second installment was even better; everyone was in love of the franchise

Until the 3rd installment....which had the minimum effort on it's development...

Alone in the Dark:

Back on its days, AitD was the best thing you could get in the world of survival horror, and even 4 years after it's release, you could notice that it was such a groundbreaking title, it inspired one of the best sagas ever: Resident Evil

Sadly the last installment of AitD for next-gen consoles was really bad, and to tell you the truth guys...remember that "Make the gamers wonder what the developers were inhaling to believe they were making a good game?" part???

Well I said it because of this game...full of bugs, bad graphics, bad gameplay, bad history, and probably the worse endings in videogames history ever...

Need for Speed:

Like AITD, this game was the best of its genre when it first came out, revolutionary racing title, of course, the developers said "we have a gold mine here, and we're going to keep going until its empty! "

NFS got worse on every new installment, until reaching the point of making EA took a hard (well maybe not so hard) decision to finally cancel the franchise's future installments (After looking at NFS: Undercover, I don't blame them...)

Mortal Kombat:

Ahhh, tell me who doesn't remember the guy yelling "MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!" in the song? Truly one of the most memorable moments of gaming!

Back on the 90's, popping one guy head like a piece of cotton candy on a 16 mbit console was the You-know-what

And like in NFS, developers realized they had a big lemon on their hands, and decided to squirt it until it was dry!

Sure there has been some good MK like Deception or Deadly alliance, but beside those, most of the new installments of the franchise were really bad...

Alone in the dark 5...We expected a lot from this game...

Now: the Chuck Norris factor and the developers who should follow his example!

OK, we ALL know who Chuck Norris is, we all know that he was the UNDEFEATED KARATE WORLD CHAMPION FOR AROUND 4 YEARS STRAIGHT!, still undefeated!

Sure he retired after the 4th year, after these reactions, all the press went loco about his sudden decision to retire, everyone asked him "Why?" and he gently replied

"I must admit it really hurts me to retire, but I also must admit, that I love to be the undefeated world champion for this many years, I am conscious that if I stay and fight in one more championship, that could change... and I don't want to lose it all in this way..."

Wise words Norris...wise words...

If the guy would have stayed, and would have been defeated in the next championship, then he wouldn't be in the Karate Black belts hall of fame, he wouldn't be considered "The most badass man in the world" and as a matter of fact, I wouldn't even be using his example here!

Then Norris did the same thing with Walker: Texas Ranger

The show was always the first in audience rankings, Chuck decided to cancel it, because, as he described it "If I would have made other season, then people would probably get bored of it, and the show would look forced to retire as a loser..."

Now, like some of you might already notice, the reason why I am writing this blog is because those words Norris said!

Finally, developers that should follow his example

Hideo Kojima: We all love metal gear, we all love Snake, we all love the incredible history you gave to this game Kojima, now we want it to leave as the winner it was, sorry dude but...I am not expecting much from MGS: Rising, no, not because it's multiplatform, but because I think that is already time to finish the saga (However, I agree with MGS: Peacewalker since it's a prequel and because I live in Costa Rica :P)

Miyamoto: Dude, people will eventually grow tired of your RECYCLED videogame franchises, at least try making new characters, not everyone like to use the same blond elf dude for over 20 games! And not everyone enjoy the same history with the same bad guys for over 20 years...

"Sorry but it doesn't call my attention QQ"

And to all young developers out there...I'll like to give you an advice: Invent new franchises, let the ones you created with love and effort to die in peace, trust me, it might hurt you to do that, but it will hurt you even more to see your last installment been spitted all over!

Well that's all for now, hope you enjoyed so far! Thanks for reading, more articles comming in the future!