I didn't start playing until about 6 months ago so I can't say much about War-craft prior to wow but I will say this. Im a hardcore FPS fan. I play some Thief Fan Missions to but I never got into any Multi Player gaming and anything 3rd person was most undesirable but I broke that rule out of desperation for some 3rd person games like Splinter Cell and Max Payne (which does have a FPS perspective mod) when there wasn't any good shooters. I think those games prepared me for what I was about to do next. There wasn't any shooters out hardly at all of any kind. I'm talking single player here. Well my GFs daughter got WOW and when I built my new Duel core system I let her use my old AMD 64 3200+ system and she fired it up. it looked interesting and never seemed to end so I gave it a try. I was hooked. I made my way to lvl 70 in about 6 weeks so you know I played alot. Never had I seen a game with so much beauty (even though it is toonish) in my life. I play on a non PVP server
mostly as a solo act but I did make friends and joined a guild. Once you get there isn't much to do If other than make another toon and do mostly the same quests over but there is still value because the combat varies greatly from character to character. Or you can grind away in the battle grounds for various currency in the game to buy better armor and weapons or the 5000 gold epic mount. i think the game is way worth the 15 bucks a month. i mean you buy a shooter for $50 and plow through it in a week and its over. With wow you get a whole year of gaming for the price of roughly 4 shooters. They do change stuff from time to time like quests and a carnival from time to time. Its great as far as I am concerned and yea they are making big time bucks this way. I tried Morrowind which is more like what your talking about and i hated it. WOW the way it is seems much more alive as a MMRPG.
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