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lights_justice Blog

I'm Back!

Hey just thought I would drop back by to see if any of my old friendsare still around...if you are leave a comment I'd love to hear from you!

Hide Your Jellybeans!

In the theme of renewal in this Easter season I've finally leveled up. I'm no longer a dead Star Trek dude, I've been resurrected as a Evil Bert! Just how evil could Bert be anyway? I always thought Ernie was the sinister one :P. Or even better how about a Evil Oscar? Anyway I'm not particularly religious and I've outgrown the whole egg-hunting thing, but I do enjoy the food and candy that has become a part of the Easter tradition. Especially jellybeans. I usually have pretty good self-control when it comes to food but not with jellybeans, if I have a bag I will keep going and going until I eat the whole thing in one sitting, which usually means I'm buzzed all night. My favorite are the Starburst jellybeans, but any kind will do :P. So yeah if you have an open bag of jellybeans don't leave them open around me :P. For Easter dinner I'm making some ham, sweet potato casserole, coconut cake and some other various dishes for Easter so I'm looking forward to that. And I'm off a few days from school, which is always a bonus. So what is everyone else doing for Easter? Anything in particular you like about the holiday?

Random Question - Where would be a good place to hide an easter egg? Consider your favorite animes/shows in this!


I'm Leaving

April Fools! :P Yep it's that time of year again when pranksters like me are let loose to wreak havoc on unsuspecting citizens lol. I've run the gambit from simple gags like putting spiders in the refridgerator to fake news headlines to more elaborate pranks like the tomato tree. Perhaps one of my favorites is probably one of the most simple - taking a quarter and supergluing it to the pavement and watch as everyone tries to pick it up lol. But it's all in good fun I never do anything that could be considered dangerous or humiliating and I've gotten as good as I've given and in the end we all have a good laugh. So what is the most interesting prank either done to you or that you've done to somebody else on April Fool's day? Or do you just totally ignore it? Either way, have a great one!



Burger King published a full page advertisement in USA Today announcing the introduction of a new item to their menu: a "Left-Handed Whopper" specially designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans. According to the advertisement, the new whopper included the same ingredients as the original Whopper (lettuce, tomato, hamburger patty, etc.), but all the condiments were rotated 180 degrees for the benefit of their left-handed customers. The following day Burger King issued a follow-up release revealing that although the Left-Handed Whopper was a hoax, thousands of customers had gone into restaurants to request the new sandwich. Simultaneously, according to the press release, "many others requested their own 'right handed' version."

Crash Into Spring

Well spring break has come and gone for me and I had a blast down in Florida, but if any cops ask I was at home most of the week playing video games ok? :P Oh well now it's back to the final stretch and they're not making it easy on us but oh that's college life I suppose. As long as I have friend and anime I'll survive. :DAnyway registration for fall is coming up and this year my school is finally joining the rest of the academic world in offering online registration, so no more waiting out in the wee hours in long lines for classes that are probably already filled. At least that's the strory anyway. I have strong doubts about how well the system will actually work, considering they've been working to set it up for three years. And somehow it's supposed to be magically working by Monday. I predict a major computer system crash followed by the IT department having a collective nervous breakdown trying to fix it. Oh well I guess we'll see. So is everyone else having a good spring so far? It's been raining a lot around here lately which is ok with me I like cloudy rainy weather, especially with fog it makes everything look cool and mystical, I just wish it would warm up just a bit. Well that's it for now - Later.

Totally Random Question - Which of these clips do you think is the funniest?





Dance Time!

Well today was the last day of classes and it's now officially the start of spring break! It's time for some dance pics!! Lol I have been taking a dance class this semester as an elective and I must say I'm getting pretty good it it...well kindof :P. Okay who's up to heading down to Miami and causing some trouble?! Lol I don't really have any plans right now except relaxing and catching up on some anime, and maybe going out with some friends. And I'll definitely be hanging out around here some more I've missed everybody lately. So is anyone else around here having spring break and if so, what are your plans? And even if you don't have spring break have you been doing anything fun lately?

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Mixed Bag

Wow it's been awhile since I blogged last how is everyone doing? Okay show of hands who thought I had died or something? I know I haven't been on too much lately but hopefully that will change. I hope everyone is having a good 2009 so far. Mine has been a mixed bag to say the least. School is going very well, family wise okay but my personal life took a bit of a nosedive this weekend. A relationship I had just recently established came to an abrupt end and I'm still reeling from that. It looks like it'll just be me, myself and I this Valentine's day. Oh well if it wasn't meant to be it wasn't meant to be, and I still have a lot of good things to be thankful for. For one thing at least it finally warmed up around here, it has been downright frigid lately. Well that's it for now, later everyone.

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Well no matter what the year was like for you one thing is certain: 2008 was year to remember. On the national scene, 2008 has witnessed the worst economy in years and a history making election season just to give a few examples. For me 2008 has been a greatly mixed bag. It has held some of the worst experiences of my life, but at the same time some of the best ones. I lost some friends, but at the same time I gained new ones who have enriched my life more than words can say. I discovered this year, through which I met several of my new friends. Ironically the reason I came to was because of one of the bad experiences I had this year, i.e. seeing the ending of Death Note lol.

But anyway I also discovered several great new anime this year, including Code Geass, Bleach, and Cowboy Bebop to name a few. I also broadened my horizons in other areas from food to music, such as a newfound love for Starbucks lol. And even though things seem dire right now in the world, I am optimistic about my future and the future in general. I don't really have any resolutions for the new year, except to continue on with my studies and to coninue to meet new and interesting people who can help me broaden my horizons. Well, bye for now and here's to a great 2009 for us all!

So what will you remember about 2008? And what do you want to achieve in 2009?


Christmas Lights

Well it's only a very short time until Christmas 2008 is upon everyone ready? Or do you still have some last minute gifts to buy? We just got and decorated our tree a week ago...a little last minute but hey tis the season to be hectic. But everything's ready now and after opening presents we'll be heading up to our aunt's for a big Christmas dinner. I'll be bringing the pies - pumpkin, pecan, peppermint, and mincemeat. I'm anxious to try the mincemeat I've never had it before. After dinner and some more presents a few of us always like to go out driving randomly just to see all the Christmas lights people have put up, to me the beautiful decorations people put up are probably one of the best parts about Christmas.

So what do you think the characters from Death Note will be up to this Christmas? Misa will probably be trying desperately to get Light under the mistletoe, Mikami will be feverishly writing a naughty list, and L will be eating any and every Christmas sweet in sight. So what do you see characters from your favorite anime doing over the holiday season? Well that's all for now Merry Christmas everyone!


Well has decided to once again "upgrade" their site. However the changes this time are rather small compared to last time, insignificant to the point you want to ask why they even bothered to make them in the first place. And they still have the irritating white background, if they want to score points with me they should allow you to choose your own background, at least for your personal page. But whatever....

The Final Countdown

Hello everyone sorry I haven't been on a lot lately but my life has been a whirlwind lately with finals and various other issues taking up most if not all of my time. Thankfully I only have one final left, but as luck would have it it's probably also the most difficult because not only is there a big test but also a paper due with it. And it's probably my least interesting course this semester so yeah fun times lol. But it will all be over by Wednesday and hopefully I will have some free time. Well, back to the grind for me, bye for now and I hope everyone is doing well.


Just have to finish this one last assignment.....

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