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Nintendo Fusion : Next Generation Launch System?

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True or False? Will Nintendo be making a new console with their recent failure of the Wii U? Can Nintendo revamp their company and be up there with the Sony's and the Microsoft's? Let's take a look.

Firstly, if Nintendo are really willing to make this new console (which I personally doubt, I'll get to that in a minute) then the release date would be somewhere around 2015-2017. Secondly, why would Nintendo be making a new system, because what they can do is concentrate on the Wii U and try and get that going strong. If Nintendo make the Fusion, then users of the Wii U will most probably feel run over in that situation.

Another aspect of Nintendo I want to talk about is their personality. Very, very rarely do projects from Nintendo get leaked out into the global sphere of social media. Also, as a first party game making company and console making company, they sure are not going to give up and raise the white flag, but in my opinion will stand up and get this fixed. Get what fixed though? The Wii U of course. Nintendo recently denied the fact that they will be placing Mario or their other games on the IPhone, or PS4 and Xbox One for that matter. To me this shows that Nintendo believe in their system and have faith that it can still do somewhat better in the future. All these reasons combined makes me think; Why would they make a new console?

So let's talk about this new Fusion and if it's true or not. As mentioned in the name, Fusion will be a console that is a home system and a portable one that you can take where ever you like, with all your games saved on it. Of course, that is a very good idea in theory, and in practice it should workout better than the Wii U did. The Wii U's tablet was supposed to be a device that you can also carry around your house an play games like Mario on it. However, why would I want to play Mario on a little tablet when I can play it on a big screen on my televison? Do bear in mind that the Wii U tablet was not meant to be portable, simply because it's too large, but rather a nifty little device where you can play games and your dad can be watching basketball on the TV, for example. But, it has not turned out that way. So all in all, if Nintendo are making a Fusion, it should work out. But that leads to my previous point of how the people that bought the Wii U will feel, if suddenly a new system comes out, that can cost most likely higher than the Wii U did.

So the Fusion sounds good, except for the fact that a lot of users of the Wii U will not be happy. However, there is another problem. Will Nintendo really sacrifice their already existing portable systems like the 3DS, which was the highest selling console in 2013 and make ONE console for ONE price that is DOUBLE compatible with home system and portable system? I don't think so. In my opinion, Nintendo will never do that and will keep the portable systems like the 3DS and the home systems like the Wii, separate from each other.

So, why have all these websites suddenly exploded with news of Nintendo making a new console? Here are some articles:

Tech Radar: Nintendo Fusion resurfaces, Apple gets in the game, the Candy Saga continues Link:

Venture Beat: Nintendo’s next console and portable reportedly called Nintendo Fusion Link:

The Escapist: "Nintendo Fusion" Is Nintemdo's Next Gen System Link:

Complex Gaming: Nintendo's Rumored Next Gen Consoles are Codenamed Nintendo Fusion Terminal and Nintendo Fusion DS Link:

My reasoning is that these websites, good or not that is not for me to judge, are taking advantage of the recent Wii U downfall and have timed their 'explosion' of Nintendo Fusion being a new console for Nintendo perfectly. This puts pressure internally on Nintendo to deliver to what people have been making up and supposedly want. But as I said, they are a strong company, that yes, have, made many business mistakes in the past. Don't even get me started on their lack of unique games. However, making a new console will just hurt them and these websites that are putting pressure on Nintendo are just hurting them and in the bigger picture, the gaming industry.

To conclude, I think that Nintendo should try and make the Wii U a much better console and fix that problem, while also maybe releasing a new portable system in order to give fans something to get their hands into and maintain stability within their company. Releasing the Fusion and abandoning the Wii U would leave Wii U users angry and ripped off so making a new console for a higher price would be a bad idea. Next generation launch day would probably be the more appropriate time to start fresh to promote a new console, but in two years; no. This would just hurt the company even more.

So this concludes my blog on Nintendo Fusion. Let me know what you think in the comment section, and until next time, hope you have a good day.