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Nintendo : Is it the End or a New Beginning?

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Nintendo: The End or The Beginning? With recent launch consoles outselling the Wii U, can Nintendo stay on its feet or should it could making consoles? OR, should they plan a new project and try a way to lure gamers in and buy their product? Is there a possible way for them to get back up? Let's find out.

So, if you pay attention to the gaming industry, you would by now know that Nintendo (console/videogame making company) has f

aced recent struggles. Some include the Wii U, Nintendo's newest gaming console, not selling high at all, therefore leading the company to financial discomforts.

Left: Here we see a chart with information about sales of consoles in two different categories; Launch week sales and Sales after 5 weeks of being out on the market. Wii U has sold the least out of all the past generation launch consoles.

The Xbox One and the PS4 have launched in November and greatly outsold the Wii U in a matter of one month, plus the Wii U has been out on the market for over a year, yayks! S with this tremendous downfall in hardware purchases of the Wii U, should Nintendo quit making consoles and look into something else, or come up with a project that can put them back up?

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Before I answer that question let's take a look at if Nintendo are really in a financial struggle, or was I lying to you? The original Wii sold big and the company profitted big on that. Also, the Nintendo 3DS has been the highest selling console in the whole year of 2013. Also in December of that year it had its best month, selling over 460k units. So what does this say? If the PS4 and Xbox One sold 1 million units its first day compared to 460k a month, does Nintendo need to give up? Nope. PS4 and Xbox One were both consoles that sold that much on its first day because of all the hype and excitement from fans. Nintendo's CEO himself said that they needed to re-think their way ahead, and this brings me back to my point; What project are Nintendo planning to get themselves up there again.

Mario on the IPhone? Minecraft on the Wii U? Cheap Tablet games on the Wii U? Stronger Online Community? Lower Prices for games? All of these options have been said and analyzed by Nintendo, but what is the right one?

From a software perspective, it isn't good. If Nintendo sells their Wii U for about $250 dollars and then asks $40-$60 for a game, then we can see why this is not working for most users. This is where Nintendo might think about integrating Cheap Tablet games on the Wii U console in order to add more games and enhance the user experience.

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Now let's flip the switch and throw in Mario on the IPhone. Many people now have IPhones, so adding Mario would in my opinion be a solid move, but not a "big money maker", but that is in my opinion. The reason I think that is that there are simply too many games on the App Store that are just as fun and colorful as Mario. Ofcourse, Mario is a classic and no other game can possibly compete with that, but now the question comes down to will people really buy Mario for their IPhones, because this guy has existed all the way from the 80's, so... eh... he might be getting old.

Minecraft on the Wii U is another big topic. Not surprisingly, Minecraft is one of the most best-selling games of the last two years. It has a HUGE user base and millions of people play it. Adding it to the Wii U would make it hugely beneficial for Nintendo since people that want a console can pay the $200 for the Wii U and in addition play Minecraft, instead of getting a $400 Xbox One or a good PC that would cost between $700-$2000. However, the creator of Minecraft, 'Notch' had revealed last month, "There are no current plans that I know of." So, this road looks very unpredictable.

Overall, my opinion is simple. I'd say for Nintendo to start developing a brand new, fresh console and start working on some of the features mentioned above like Tablet game Integration, Lower Prices and maybe Minecraft, but that will be hard. The reason I wouldn't advise Nintendo to add all the features on the Wii U, so in other words just making the console that has not sold well, supposedly better, is because knowing the mind set of people, they want something new and exciting. Making the current Wii U better will be like taking the PS3 and adding everything that the PS4 has but not naming it the PS4, but still the PS3. This would definitely NOT sell. From now on it's simple. Nintendo need to play it smart and beneficial for all parties involved as well as taking some risks. If they do that, the company can get back on track, sharing their passion for gaming and entertainment.