Yes, after making a few remakes on GBA Square Enix returned to a long list of games for the FF fans. Final Fantasy XI though loosely made did boast a new improved game battle system ( which was later seen in FFXII) but with a great multiplayer options it did decently well. Then some follow ups of FFXI came in the form of Treasures of Aht Urhgan and Chains of Promanthia. Though I haven't played either of these the reviews don't state this game worth playing.
FFV Advance was a great game just reminding the fans of FF(who did'nt play the original FF games on NES and SNES) what we are missing. FFIII for DS is a great game that uses the dual screen system of DS well.
It had been a rather quiet but nonetheless an interesting year so far. Then came the biggest drawback in FF series. FFVII Dirge of Cerberus was an instant flop. An FF Action game I gasped during that time. Pretty much like Square though. Always experimentative. I wished Square did not do their experiments on FFXII but they did and BOY OH BOY it worked in Big time. A step of revolution like all the previous well made FF games like VII,VIII,IX,X.
Though I am not sure excatly what FF games are releasing in 2007 I know that FFVII Crisis Core for PSP(Yeah finally I can play an FFVII game:D) and I think another is FFXIII for PS3.
Watch out Final Fantasy is gonna have a solid of a tear in 2007.Wish Square Best of Luck and all of you on Gamespot a Happy New Year (belated very much belated:P)