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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Review



I'm back again this time with the review of Platinum and Kojima's Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. 

Follow the link below or click here

Select quotes from my review follow:


  • Resulting in some of the most magnificent slow-motion finishing moves and damage physics youll see, the "Blade Mode" is rightfully the central mechanic around which the entire action of Revengeance pivots around.
  • Platinum have developed a reputation of sorts of providing smooth action with emphasis on the word smooth ever since Bayonetta and Revengeance continues that tradition.
  • Storytelling for action games is a reversal of Metal Gear Solid. The game is no longer driven by its story and instead Revengeance merely needs it to give a basic background.
  • Cyborg, ninja, badass, tortured maniac with a split personality it was almost like someone was ticking off the Coolest Things in a Character checklist when they envisioned Raiden as the protagonist.
  • The focus on parrying as the defensive mechanic makes Revengeance  feel like a much-needed refinement of the typical hack-n-slasher formula.

 Hope you enjoy the review of this solid game. 

Before I exit....


That's all for now, folks! 


P.S: Remember that blog of mine I linked to last time? The one that went "The Space That Games Exist In". Well, that got featured in Critical Distance's February round-up of "Blogs of the Round Table". Little mention but it feels nice. :D