The wind blows fiercely blowing dust into his eyes. Yet such mere winds can rarely distract him from his path that lay before him. He tightened his grip on the shovel. Took a deep was going to be a long day. Slowly,but surely he walked towards the entrance to a long-forgotten world. He could hear the sound of his mother telling him to clean up his room,but that was secondary for him right now. That could wait. He had bigger and more urgent tasks to handle.
A sweat rolled down his cheek. But he dared not to wipe it off lest he would lose his focus on his goal. Before he knew it,in the blink of an eye, he was climbing up the stairs. Every stair he had to climb felt like a huge task to him. It felt as if the earth was pulling him down with something like 10.9 m/sec2 . But his determination was not to be shaken. The light from the other side was approaching towards him,getting closer by every second. From somewhere he heard Oasis music ringing loudly in his ears. He tried to ignore the nasal tones of Liam Gallagher and chose not to rant on how over-rated they were. Because he had more important things to do.
And then...he reached the other side. Looking around at a room that was long lost in his memories just like the things it contained,he felt that somewhere cobwebs were being swept off in his mind. He finally produced out the shovel,which turned out to be nothing more than a small key. A key to the treasure he cherished. But a lingering question roamed in his mind,as he searched for the "chest of cardboard" that held his treasure. Will his treasure be intact? Will it be in the same condition as it had been when he had placed it there years ago?
Such questions worried him immensely. But he chose not to hesitate any longer. He searched for his "chest of cardboard" and found it in a lonely corner as if weeping from the ignorance shown by him. He felt sorry for it. He placed the "chest" safely on the ground and moved to open it with the key,which had now turned into a pair of scissors assigned to cut through any kind of tape.
With a single swipe of the scissor,the chest was unlocked and bright light filled the entire universe. ( :P )
With trembling hands,the gamer touched the upper portions of the treasures comprising of all the games that he had grown up on. Games he had played when he was young. Games he had enjoyed. Games he had not understood due to his tender age then. Games that he considers the best he has played and probably ever will. Games,all of which were played with the help of a keyboard and a mouse. ;)
So,the excited gamer/archaeologist (A.K.A me) searched through his treasure(A.K.A the past catalogue of his games) and made a list of all the games he had found in the secret vault (A.K.A the attic of his house),
The Treasure List
System Shock
System Shock 2
Doom 2
Doom 3
Quake II
Quake III : Arena
Unreal Tournament 2004
Half-Life Opposing Force
Half-Life Blue Shift
Team Fortress
Half-Life 2
Prince 1
Prince of Persia 2
Prince of Persia Sands of Time
Prince of Persia The Warrior Within
Deus Ex The Invisible Wars
Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer Red Alert
Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun
Command & Conquer Renegade
Starcraft Brood Wars
Diablo II Lord of Destruction
Grim Fandango
The Longest Journey
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate : Tales of the Sword Coast
Baldur's Gate II : Shadows of Amn
Baldur's Gate II : Throne of Bhaal
Neverwinter Nights
Neverwinter Nights
Neverwinter Nights : Shadows of the Underntide
Neverwinter Nights : Horde of the Underdark
Planescape : Torment
Icewind Dale
FIFA 2001
FIFA 2002
NHL 2000
NBA Live 2000
F1 2000
Cricket 2002
Need for Speed High Stakes
Realms of Arkania Blade of Destiny
John Romero's Daikatana
Test Drive Unlimited
I think if I have counted it properly,that list contained 53 games all of which I had previously owned,been gifted or had burnt from my friends. There are few which are now in their backup copy forms since the original CDs were heavily scratched (and some even broken) after heavy use and rough handling (don't blame me,I was a kid back then. :P )
So,as you can see that hugely tells you that I didn't "WASTE" all those years I spent PC gaming. There are games in that list which some of you console-gamers will NEVER get to experience. I can especially name few of the games from the list which I am HIGHLY excited to play like...
Baldur's Gate games deserve to be on the top of this list. Mainly because they are RPGs like no other. I remember very little of BG2,but I know that it was a fantastic game,probably one of the greatest games I'll ever get to play and I am very excited to play it. As my "Now Playing List" indicates I've already begun playing Baldur's Gate 1 and it is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G :D
The Longest Journeyis perhaps a game that heavily BORED me when I played it the first time back then. But maybe that was because I was a kid,and I didn't enjoy text-and dialogue heavy games. But Longest Journey has's hard to say but I feel it has that kind of aura that I sensed in games like FFVIII. Am really interested to see how this one turns up.
So,this is it people. A reason why I was largely absent from GameSpotting for large portions of the last week. Yeah my 7-hour long test on last Sunday went well,but it's the gaming in the following week which has really been the highlight for me. I guess I am learning to enjoy gaming while it lasts...y'know what I mean,don't you? ;)
C ya