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lilblackbelt94 Blog

HELP! Please. =[

If you see this before 12:00 pm EST, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote for LINKIN PARK and NOT Paramore at for Best Music Video of 2008. If you do, I'll love you forever. EVERY VOTE COUNTS.

* I'll post a blog that'll catch up on what I've done since I last posted one tomorrow, or Tuesday. Depends on how busy I am.*


Hey there! :) I haven't posted one of these in a while, mostly caused not much has been going on for me. I'm pretty sure not many of people are gonna read this but who really cares :roll: . Let's see..... not much has happened since September that I can remember..... Oh, I know. Last week and this week I had some pretty big tests in Science, English and Italian, but I don't think I did very well on the Italian one. Let's just say that Italian isn't my best subject :| But I did make the honor roll :P
I can't wait till christmas.
My aunt and uncle are coming over and my grandparents are here now. I feel bad for their old pug though cause it has some illness where its bladder disintegrated or something like that, and now it has to wear a doggy diaper. :( She's old though so it was only a matter of time.
Well, that's all I can remember for now, and I'll try to post these every other day or something cause I no I don't do much around here.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Kwanza and Happy (late) Chanukkah my fellow people!!!


This Summer


This summer I went to a day camp Ive been going to since I was in Kindegarten. I had a lot of fun. But now its over :( They took us to Canada though. It was really reall fun. We went to the CN Observation Tower, saw a Yankee/ Blue Jays baseball game, went to Niagara Falls and took the Maid of the Mist and Hurricane Deck Tours. We also went to Canada's Wonderland (the best Amusement park ever) and walked 2 miles to get to the Hard Rock Cafe. We had to walk 2 miles becausethe Hard Rock Cafe we were near was full and the bus drivers were on their breaks. It really sucked.

We also went to Dorney Park. It wasnt nearly as good as Canada's Wonderland but it was still fun...........ish. But besides the we took local trip. Bowling, Go Karts, Beach, Movies, State Parks and other stuff.

After camp ended my dad and I took a plane ride to North Carolina to visit my Grandpa. We went deep sea fishing. Ten miles off the coast and I caught 3 tiny fish right before we left to go back to the dock. It was pretty fun though. My dad also took me to the beach there. The water was really warm and the sand was really nice and soft.

Besides that, the rest of the summer was pretty boring. Just sitting at home with my dogs. Occasionally people came over but that was it.

So that was my summer. If I had to describe it in one word, Id have to say "Wow".


- Alex

Topic 2

Ok, so I haven't been on a lot, but I'll probably be on more often now. :) I was just at my cousin Marcy's Bat Mitzvah and it was awesome! I had a great time! And that's pretty much it. No more news. Bi.


Woah, i havent been on in a while. Well im on now but just to look around. I'm goin 2 Chester tomorrow! I no u all have missed me! Jkjk........ O, and i almost 4-got, i hate the softball coach. That @$$ cut me from the team, so i spent 2 days @ tryouts 4 nuthin! O well, i got my other softball team and im on the Mets! Well that's pretty much it, I wont be on 4 the weekend, maybe longer so Happy Easter and Good Nite!


Skool Days

OK, well im not gonna do this every day so ill probably do the count down once a week cuz im lazy like that 8) 112 days left

bac to skool again

damn, bac 2 skool. almost fell asleep durin 1st period cuz i get up @ 6. itz kinda hard to get up that early after over a week of no skool and sleepin late:).o well...... 114 days left of skool. im officially startin the countdown:):D8):P
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