My opinoin on the first wii game.
To me, bowling is the best game in the 5 game package. Although it is simply easy after playing it for a couple of weeks, or days for others, it is rather fun to play with other people. Especially if they don't have a wii and have never played one. You can easily crush them with a 221 to their 145. This game is especially fun if you try and play it with the wii zapper. Overall a fun game to start out with.
A fun game until you reach the maximum. This game is fun, for a short while. Once i mastered the concept of always hitting the ball super hard (I am sure there is another term for it) i excelled completely. I master pro in around 1 and a half hour. Once i hit around 1500 it was just terrible. After that I used another character of mine. I never let the other 2 people get another point. Because of this, the opponents got difficult in around 3 wins. My rank went slowly up while the opponents went up by 300 or more. This was crap!
Played this once. One of the worst games I have ever played. You swing just a little to hard and you hit the ball far to the left or far to the right. They need to redo this totally, as it is not fun to play at all.
Easiest game in the package. All you have to do is swing hard, and the ball soars every time. The only problem you might have is pitching as you never know what kind of pitch you will throw. A fun game for an hour, and after that, just to easy.
A super fun game for maybe aday until you wake up in the morning and you are sore and you can't even move your arms. A fun game if you are playing with another person, but when they say you need to stretch before, you definetely need to stretch.
Overall 4/5 games were good. One was terrible.