I've decided that it's extremely sad to go around asking everyone to roomie. Everyone seems to want me to go on a room with a girl I barely like. Hmm... that makes total sense. I'm just gonna wait it out...
6 Days till new Scrubs! (not exactly but yeah)
98% German
70% Chemistry
1 week and 2 days till Germany!
We played fun football today! We lost but it was still totally fun! I was goalie for a bit and I let a goal in. But I managed to stop a goal so it evened out!:D
Happy Bday to Kandi! Here is a special birthday song: http://www.radioblogclub.com/open/144248/dancing_lasha_tumbai/Eurovision%20-%20Verka%20Serduchka%20-%20Dancing%20lasha%20tumbai%20%28Ukraine%29