Some stuff that happened:
- I went to footie and we won 8-7 (Ownage!:D):D but only 4 peeps turned up :(.
- I went to Sainsburys in the morning (1st time ever!:D I'm so nerdlinger!) and bought a cr*ppy magazine for reading. Someone stole the HSM2 guys poster...:P
- Then in the afternoon I went to sainsburys (they got good business!:D) and me, Vanessa, Vanessa's little sis and Louise bought doughnuts (on me cos I was the only one that had money!:D). Twas awesome!:D Again never been to sainsburys after school... surprisingly empty...
- I finally finished my anglais... it's cr*p
- I had to see a video about anorexia and it made me hungry:D. It first made me think, instead of Oliver having DIABETES (HM), he could have ANOREXIA... then I thought how lame that would be so I thought it would be funny if he tried to "buff up"... not that he isn't buff already :D! And there would be an awesome pumping iron montage!:D
Must hear: 1, 2, 3, 4 by Feist (the Ipod nano ad) ... could totally make an awesome Moliver vid...
Must see: Mambo No. 5 -Jackson (HM)
Quote of the day: Me:"Everyone in holby city is on drugs...":P
I'm thinking of getting a new school bag:D
Hopefully one of these:
Rozza xox