At the start of the year, the whole year has to do a cross-country race and I did good.:) It's funny how some peeps act like I'm an expert but I came 117th IN MY BUROUGH last year (cr*ppy...) but at least I wasn't the one who fainted... Anywhoo I think if I do that race again I may do better. I think I will turn up at practice for the sheer hell of it! Plus if I'm on the team I may get to use the gym!:D After the "race" I kept saying to peeps that I hadn't pushed myself hard enough cos I wasn't tired and then cos of that I got Push it to the limit stuck in my head!
Our new head is saying that our skirts have to be knee length and peeps are getting p*ssed. I'm alright with it but yeah...
Turns out I'm not getting a new bag cos I got one recently so... dang.
Must see:'t ask me why it's worth watching...
Must hear: KT Tunstall- Suddenly I see (it's not really all that recent but I LOVE this song so bad!)
Quote of the day: Alice: "This tablecloth is a homosexual..." :P long story..:D
Rozza xox