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*//x. New stuff before school starts (ew :( ) .x//*

Well I have a new banner and icon! =D Lawl I keep cracking up at the Zac Efron one :D! And a new video but you'll have to check my channel later cos it's processing.

I made a new fan fic: BTW it's comedy not romance or anything like that.

Today my parents went for a walk and then these people were randomly knocking on the door and asked if I was the lady of the house. What the hell I'm 14! They were weird and I think they were trying to sell me stuff but I didn't have money anyway and I was just like sorry I can't help you and slammed the door!

Tomorrow's school for me :(. I've had a boring holiday but still.... I don't wanna start my GCSEs :(.

Latiers peeps,

Rozza xox