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*//x. Pity gets you nowhere fool! .x//*

Still haven't found anyone to roomie for Germany but I haven't been going round asking. I mean I'm not **** (asterixed name by the way). **** hasn't got a room yet and I only found out why on the bus home. It's because SHE'S RACIST. I'm cl*ssed with a RACIST. Gee, thanks guys! :P.

83% RS

88% Geography

91% French

69% Music

65% Biology (hard test though)

My day went bad at first what with the whole Germany thing and cos I couldn't chat to my good mates who don't go to my school as one's at Glasto (nbury!) and the other's in Spain... damn! C was pissed at me for no reason so I ate outside alone (I had to storm out for dramatic effect and there was no one outside to sit with :D).

Just in case you don't get the blog name, it's cos I planned to do my pity thing to get someone to room but they weren't in...

MWE said "I hate it when people have names of what they're not. Like how Rozza is with random"

^^^Sure she thought I wasn't there but that doesn't stop me being slightly pissed.

I felt better afterwards though plus I make it a policy not to care what anyone I don't like says.

Later Peeps!:)

Rozza xox