Hope you've noticed my new banner/icon!
Hope you like it!
Yesterday=funsies. We had to do drama in English about a family problem. I went with Cole, Enz and Quif and we were doing reports. I was the stuck up posh peep, Quif was the chavvy/gangsta girl, Cole was the dad and Enz was the mum. Twas super lols as I had to use my extremely posh accent. CUMBRIA!!!! lawl!
In sports day I'm doing the 200m single and relay so I'm amping up my training.
Today: not good
I was/still amhella worried about my projects andwho I'm rooming with. Then after school a bunch of peeps from my old school who I haven't seen in ages all come up and that went badly. Cos usually whenever I see someone I haven't seen for like a month or so I totally am not comfortable around them for a while so I cringe and/or am shocked and talk really fast. Today they were all like "hey" and I just said "Can't talk too pissed". It seems mean but what would you do if you had a project about something people usually learn in university in YEAR 9 and you've missed 2 buses. I was in no mood for social niceities.
May try to pull some sort of sicky tomorrow as I am so stressed and worried and freaked.
I made this but I stole the idea sort of from that thread on the TSL forum.
Goths go to blackpool! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Dny-s27Dk
Rozza xox