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lilsquaredude12 Blog

All about me!

Hey, I got this from someone else's blog, and I know nobody reads these, but I don't really talk to many ppl on this site, so just a chance for ppl to get to know me a little goes:

1. What is your favorite TV show? Lost of course, although I do enjoy watching a Friends episode here and there....but I still cannot wait for February 7th!!! It's killing me over here!

2. What is your favorite movie genre? Romantic comedy....typical, I know....

3. What are you listening to right now? nothing

4. What is your favorite font? Jokerman, it's not on here though....

5. Do you wish on stars? No

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? hot pink

7. How is the weather right now? cool and breezy

8. What is your dream vacation destination? Hawaii or California
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you/you got this from? I guess he's pretty cool...
10. How old are you today? 16

11. Favorite drink? Dr. Pepper or Cream soda

12. Favorite sport to watch? volleyball

13. Have you ever dyed your hair? yes, unfortanately....word of can't just dye your hair once, you keep having to do it over and over and then if you wanna let it grow out it's like quitting smoking, really hard
14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? nope

15. Pets? No :(

16. Favorite month(s)? April and May

17. Favorite food? All food

18. What was the last movie you watched? Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, awesome movie, kinda disappointing at the end...but still awesome

19. Favorite (holi)day of the year? Christmas Eve

20. What do you do to prevent anger? haha....not much
21. Favorite toys as a child? Barbies, lol

22. Fall or spring? spring

23. Hugs or kisses? hugs

24. Cherry or blueberry? don't really care for either, but I guess cherry

25. Do you want your friends to complete and blog this too? Sure, why not

26. Favorite style of music? pop/rock

27. The Beatles or The Stones? The Beatles!

28. When was the last time you cried? last night, actually, but not very much, just thinking about stuff....

29. What is on the floor of your closet? a bunch of crap, lol, nah, mainly just shoes

30. What is under your bed? again, a bunch of crap, old class notebooks filled with MASH games and retarded stories I wrote

31. Favorite animated/cartoon character? Spongebob

32. What did you do last night? I was on the computer for a long time, and then I watched some ANTM

33. Favorite smell(s)? Febreze...among other things I can't think of right now

34. What/Who inspires you? Jesus!!! And my daddy, and some of my teachers....
35. What are you afraid of? Uh, sharks creep me out, and the future and stuff
36. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Plain, I guess....

37. Favorite car? I'm not really a car kinda person, but Mustangs are cool
38. Favorite dog breed? those cute little scottie dogs that run around everywhere

39. Number of keys on your key ring? 0

40. How long at your current job? don't have a current job, only been thinking about getting one, but I'm not very good at that....

41. Favorite day of the week? Wednesdays! and Fridays too

42. How many states have you lived in? 3

43. How many cities have you lived in? 3

44. How many countries have you lived in? 1

45. Who'd ya get this from? tafj73 (I think that's the right #)

46. If you could thank anyone, who would it be? Jesus, and my mom and dad

47. Who is a teacher who has touched/inspired you? My 7th and 8th grade teacher, and also my current Religion and Chemistry teachers

48. Where is the furthest you have been away from home? either Spokane, WA or Atlanta, GA

49. What are you REALLY scared of? failing in life, going to hell, basically, that's about it...

50. Who is someone that you want to tell something but can't or are afraid to? uh....I don't know, ooh, an old friend of mine from like 3rd grade...