Cool. Some new stuff for my 360 to feel new again. The achievment update is nice and so is the new blade. I won't really use the messaging thing though.
I want a PSP myself, but it does seem annoying cuz of those load times. The games i want on PSP arent that long though, usually being a little over a miniute. I just have to wait until that price goes down 1 more time....
Come on, is alma really that hard?! I beat her on my second try. Her second form is also not very difficult. Maybe going over the final boss of Ninja Gaiden would've been a little helpful, since he's the only especially hard boss in the game (though the 2 bosses be4 it were hard too). And Krauser is not difficult either, though i think he is fun to beat. I havent been playin much of devil may cry 3, but that seems to be an effective way to beat those two demons. As for MGS 3, i dont have it yet but being able to kill the end early on is a kool way to kill him. Overall, pretty good feature, but plz put in harder bosses next time because these arent really hard (though i cannot judge Devil may cry 3, though i can imagine how the ends fight will be since i killed sniper wolf on MGS on GC)
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