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#1 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts

I had gold status last year but was so underwhelmed by the prize i just ignored it. Only got gold this year because i recently got a Wii, hoping for something cool.

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#2 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts

Switch Hook in 3D, could be a complex series of pulleys and levers would be sweet.

Magnet Gloves

Fire Rod or Ice Rod

Rocs Cape in 3D would be awesome

Bombos Medalion

Fierce Deity Mask ftw

Gust Jar

Mole Mits

and so many others (They already brought back Bomb Arrows and gave link a Ball and Chain otherwise id say those)

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#3 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts

Hmm, I've between Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime Trilogy. Trilogy was an excellent bundling idea but TP was unlike any Zelda game I've ever played.livinitup01

I think both of those had better versions on the Gamecube.

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#4 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts


Most illegal downloads are from people who have NO PLANS on buying the game in the first place, and to assume that 100% of the illegal downloads are lost income is insanity.


If that's the case then they wouldn't game, period. If they have no plans on buying, then they have no plans on playing if it comes to paying for it.

So I think you're wrong, I think that if given no other option, people will buy if they want to continue enjoying their hobby. And if they don't, then it doesn't affect the industry in any way. It's not like they're making money off them now. If they're gone there's no loss.

I'm only going to respond to this once, because it's clear you made up your mind before "arguing".

You're making the assumption that all games cost money to play, which obviously they don't. In fact, some games don't even cost money to create, but that's beyond the point. It seems like you only see the "front end" marketing side of games and not the "back end" player community side. believe it or not, the players and the community are the most important part. Look at Pixel, the creator of Cavestory. He loved making games, and he made one of the best free games there is, a game way better then lots of games that cost money. Lot's of money in many cases.

And here is the best part. Cavestory is now for sale on the Wii, and even though I owned the free version, I bought the retail version because A. I like the game and want to own it, and B. I want to support Pixel. Sorry, but there goes your first "argument".

Your second "argument" involves an air tight perfect scenario that will never exist in the real world, but nevertheless lets pretend it works. Let's pretend the only way you can enjoy games is by purchasing retail games. Even if every single free option is obliterated, which in turn means Pixel never made Cavestory and never got to achieve his dream of becoming a published developer, the industry will take the biggest hit out of anyone. You really think that by eliminating the free option entirely you've solved the issue, but you've actually created a new one. Games in general would have a higher "bar of entry" to anyone interested in them. This would shrink the pool of potential customers, and thus the capital game industries take in would be smaller. Believe it or not, if people who play games for free leave the equation, it would result in a loss. But again, that's one powerful hypothetical given your statement.

What I see, when you boil it all down, is paranoia. It borders on religious zealousy, and is almost as frightening. Games will never go away, and neither will piracy (or free games, for anyone who is currently foaming at the mouth insane). The best thing that we can do is continue to support the developers that we love, whether they are making an honest income, or making free games out of love and aiming for the dream. And the best thing that developers can do is put love and effort into their games.

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#5 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts

I just got my Wii, and as far as I'm concerned I got it just in time for some great releases. I'd recomend holding on to it for a bit.

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#6 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts

I can't wait for a new DK, I hope that it comes with an Expansion Pack ;).

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#7 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts

Games that are worth the money will still sell.

What you find is a paranoid market looking for people to blame when they produce a less quality product.

Most illegal downloads are from people who have NO PLANS on buying the game in the first place, and to assume that 100% of the illegal downloads are lost income is insanity.

Another thing that gets overlooked by this paranoia is the amount of customers illegal downloads bring in. Believe it or not, it is marketing in its own way. People who really enjoy what they download are more likely to purchase the product. It seems illogical, but only if you ignore the fact that people like to own the things they love, and anyone smart enough to use a computer knows that supporting the developers they like is a good idea.

People have pirated media for a very long time, and it will likewise continue for a very long time. The best way for this to be countered is to produce a better product.

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#8 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts

I hope Gold is better then stationery.

I orderd one of those black Wiimote holders, and it's not even gonna ship till July 14th.

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#9 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts

Cave Story :p

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#10 linksdeity
Member since 2003 • 205 Posts

I personaly think that Wind Waker has the best soundtrack, overall.

Ocarina of Time just happens to have the best Zelda song, the Gerudo Valley Theme. Even then, it's a close call for me to say that song is better then the forest minish city theme music from Minish Cap.