lionheartless' forum posts
"It" was definitely annoying, but I thought Salazar was super-easy. XD For me, it's the freaking Chainsaw people that are the hardest to kill, partially because I hear the sound and start freaking out and yelling and get distracted and killed.
The right hand of Salazar, whatever it's called, is a beast. Hate him.
Shadow of the Colossus is a terrific game. It's beautiful. The Devil May Cry series is a blast to play, namely I and III, and I personally still love to play through Legend of Mana whenever I get a chance. Guitar Hero is fun, and so is DDR, if you're into that kind of thing. Marvel Ultimate Alliance is fun to scream with some friends about when it's two in the morning and all you can comprehend is shouting. XD Bully is an awesome game, too, and so is Resident Evil 4 and Dynasty Warriors.
Hopefully something there sounds interesting! :]
Anything in the Bevelle underground in FFX-2. DX
Omega Weapon in FFVIII, the Dragon Staff in Legend of Dragoon, and that annoying fish thing in FFX that guards Baaj temple. I don't remember its name.
That slug thing in the Bevelle underground is still the worst, though.
I'm going to jump on the Fatal Frame bandwagon here and say Fatal Frame I and II are the scariest games I've ever played. I haven't gotten around to playing much of Silent Hill, but what I've played of 3 was terrifying. |D
Also, I'm surprised no one's mentioned Resident Evil. I thought Resident Evil 2 was freaking terrifying sometimes, and I think Resident Evil 4 has its scary spots, too. Ugh. Chainsaws. x_o
I will disagree with Siren, though. Scary, yes, but the game itself is so annoyingly hard to get a hang of and just plain boring that its not worth it, in my opinion.
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