Destiny Alpha Code: EK9E-NLNR-7987
liquidzr0's forum posts
Here's an update about it from IGN:
I'd prefer this release date (June 13th) over the rumoured August one
This is the 360 version. Whoever was streaming pressed the home button and the 360 dashboard appeared
Final Fantasy XV gameplay/release date(been waiting 8 years)
New Trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3
The Last of Us Remastered release date
Mass Effect 4 Info
Witcher 3 gameplay
Fallout 4 Info
Other than that, just general information on upcoming/in-development/unannounced games.
Definitely picking this up since i didn't play it on PS3
I have Killzone, Battlefield 4, and ACIV
How many did they manufacture? Is this related to the HDMI problem or something else?
You should have gotten an email from amazon(if you ordered with them) with the code inside. That's what i got
Not really but it is something I'll keep my eye on. The Red Ring of Death fiasco did not stop me from buying a 360 back in 2007/2008. Unfortunately for me, a few years later i experienced it myself. Buying a console at launch gives you a little higher chance of problems occurring but the same problems can happen at any time.
Quick question: Why does your copy of AC4 have a red band below the PS4 sign? Is it special edition? Mine doesn't have it so I'm curious
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