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Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds Someone was not thinking!

This really could have been a great game. Like come on there is not enough cards and they favored white & Green. Should have put some classics in it (ex; Lord of the Pit, Flying *The blue creature enchant card*, etc). Besides all that I could not get anyone to play it with me at all, and when I was playing it with my gf I felt like I was cheating because I was using a white green deck. The problem with MTG in general is dorks and over priced cards. That's all I have to say about a game with not real story line...

Mortal Kombat: Deception...........

Well, no real problems with the game. I feel they just should stop with this unlocking pictures of people and stuff that is really not worth seeing. The Crept is really like a big waste of game play, because I just could not see anyone wanting to go through and unlock everything again making no real replay value. My personal wish is that at least one MK game just be about the villains. Like Subzero myth, but with Scorpion or Goro. Never was much of a good guy player. Just say yes to random violence =Þ Oh yeah, and how do that expect people to find everything if you have to be at a certain place at a certain day and time it is just silly. Not that games have to make sense, it would just be nice if skills where rewarded and not just random luck. Other then that keep up the good work!

Why X-Men Legends Is a Bad Game

I've have Always enjoyed Multi Player games most of the time more then any single player game, and I have to say X-Men Legends didn't have much thought put into it. Games where the second player has to wait to have a turn is a backward way of thinking. For Muiti Player games consider X-Men Legends a one player game, second player in this game doesn't add but take away from the game. Revive is not cost affective in a game where second player can get all your X-Men killed off! They should not make you take certain characters on certain missions in RPGs (ex; Iceman, Storm, etc)but they do. I do not even wanna explain how messed the teleporting throwing in this game is. The mode where you can be enemy characters at first glance seems really kewl but they wracked it. You cannot fight other players in this mode and the characters are far from even I can accept that but when the computer uses them they are stronger and tougher. I believe that harder games are better then easy games you have to look for stuff (ex; danger discs, comic books)that does not even really add to the game they are just there to get them, just to get them. Any RPG where you cannot keep going after you beat the game is such a waste of replay value... Like come on if Pac-man can make the same level harder, there's no excuse. I do not know about everyone else but I've always disliked Multi Player games where there is a timer you have to re lie on your fellow players. Some of my friends enjoyed this game so I can't say don't play it... But any real Gamer will dislike this game. I didn't give this game a bad rating, I keep my opinions open and since there are way to many people out there that like crap games. I'd rate this game a 10 (My Open Opinion). Or a 3 for effort (My Opinion).