First off, thanks for all your pats on the back on my last blog... Please keep your fingers crossed for me on Sunday when we play the Ravens!!
And for Gix_Mix, who I have missed so much because you always make me smile... The Dolphins are my favorite NFL football team... :)
Onto the subject of this blog...
The house got a Wii for Xmas and I got a DS Lite...
All is good, I just broke 200 on bowling and have almost mastered doubles tennis, but as fun as the Wii Sports games are we are ready for some new games!!!
That's where you all come in... What games do you all like for Wii? I need a couple that my nephew can enjoy and a couple for me to play...There are just so many I don't even know where to begiin...
And then on the DS LIteI just ant some Mario Brothers type games, maybe a SIMS game? It just has such a little screen that I'm not sure what games work best... Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance for your help... I won't be able to comment as I'll be up at my Sister's house in the mountains where there is Wii :), but there is no Internet :( ... But I will try to sneak a look at your replies from work Wednesday before I leave ;)
Hope you all have a Magical New Years!