What a great day to be an American...
This whole election season has been supercharged... Voters feel empowered to cast their votes and effect real change in America for the first time in a long time!
The first Presidential election I was able to vote in was 1989 when Bush Sr. defeated Dukakis... How exciting was that election year you ask? I just had to go look up who he ran against on Wiki... So Bush tried to fix the deficit left to him by Reagan, but in the end had to break his "No New Taxes" promise... That happens, his approval ratings were still high, all seemed okay...
Then this charismatic kid from Arkansas shows up and takes back the White House from the GOP... Who saw that coming? It's too bad that the Lewinsky scandal and Karl Rove forever tarnished his years in office... Years in which we had the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history, which included a balanced budget and a reported federal surplus... I miss those things...
What came next... Oh yeah, we elected Dubya into office and all the fine work that Clinton and Bush Sr. did got thrown in the crapper... The economy went to crap, Terrorist threats have caused widespread panic and we are stuck in a War with no clear direction or exit strategy... [Rant] I realize the majority thought your Dad pulled out of the Gulf too soon, but it's not your job to right his wrong... No-One is winning in Iraq, not us, not them...[/End Rant]...
Now we have a real chance to get our country back on track... It has been invigorating... Both candidates are strong in their own ways and it has been a grand battle that I am proud to have been a part of...
We are entering a new era in American politics... Aside from the historical impact of the first woman VP nom and the first black man to run for Pres I think generations to come will look back on this election as the turning point for our country and our return to the powerful and respected country we once were.
And that's why today is a great day to be an American!
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