Well, this is my first gamespot blog entry; I hope somebody reads it.
I've noticed something over the past few weeks; usually, it's possible to mainpulate any situation to your favor, without many or any negative results. There are many ways to do this: Arguing, Passive complaining, "reasoning"), and trickery. Arguing is a very good choice. If you don't think you can fairly come to a conclusion with someone by doing this, you can always just try to wear them down [keep insisting on your argument point and giving examples, even if they don't care, until they can't stand listening to you anymore, and just give in]. Passive complaining is a delicate but useful tactic. You have to be careful that you don't complain so much as to enrage the listener, but just enough to keep your opinion on their minds until they percieve it as important. This can change your listener's opinion entirely, replacing it with yours, if you do it right. Reasoning. By this, I mean blackmailing. Enough said. :) Trickery is probably the most fun. You won't be able to pull this off at the moment of the conflict, but it's worth it, trust me. Basically, all you have to do is, after you leave the vicinity of your listener, you can do certain things that set into motion events which will either wear the person dow considerably [as mentioned in arguing], or just make them completely agree with you. This is the most difficult, because you have to plan it all out beforehand, but it is by far the most powerful and amusing.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my blog post; I'll be sure to post again when I feel like it. :)