Alright first off this list isn't 2008 exclusive, while most of the games are in that bracket, this list is for my top 10 most wanted games that are unreleased.
10. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
This game looks really impressive so far. All 3 engines the game uses for the way the environment breaks depending on the substance (EX: wood will splinter, metal will bend, etc.), or how each and every one of the stormtroopers has a mind of their own providing a completely different experience for every person who plays the game-you have to admit you at least chuckled the first time you saw one of the Storm Troopers grab onto another one while being force pushed, causing the afore mentioned trooper to go flying with his companion. Now, all of these are great, but the game also looks to have actually compelling and fun gameplay--and actually looks like you'll have the true powers of the force.
9. God of War III
Not much is known about Kratos' next adventure yet, but after the ending of the second game I'm officially psyched to see what they can do on the power of the PS3. Some images of concept art and a 3D model of the new Kratos model have been leaked and looked to be pretty sweet. Hopefully then can finish off the series right.
8. Brutal Legend
A game with the main character being a roadie played by Jack Black might sound like a disaster waiting to happen, but after reading what this game really was I'm excited as hell to play it. Brutal Legend is an action game that uses rythm game mechanics to attack your enemies, the soundtrack will be feature a bevy of different metal and hard rock songs. I still thought the game was scetchy after hearing this, however, I then saw the trailer and was blown away. It's brutal, gory, metal, and actually has a comedic charm to it. I really want this game to be awsome....oh..and by the way, it's also the follow-up game from the team who brought us Psyconaughts..yeah.
7. Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass proved that DS games could be entirely touch based and still come out awsome. Ninja Gaiden DS will prove that DS games can be entirely touch based and kick some serious @$$. Seriously, I bought my DS so that I could get this game. Don't take my word for it, watch the trailers and be amazed.
6. LittleBigPlanet
Downloadable games have always seemed kinda cool but were always little Icing-on-the-cake type material. However, LittleBigPlanet is one of the first downloadable games that will probably be a system seller for alot of people. It's cute. It's funny. It's charming. It's unique. Almost anyone who lays eyes on this game falls in love with it instantly, I know I did and I didn't even like the PS3 in the beggining :P . LittleBigPlanet is sort of a combination of 3 genres: platforming, puzzle, and the part everyone is most excited about RPG. The amount of interactivity that LBP will give you is amazing. you can create almost anything you can think of in your head in this game, then turn it into something fun to play around with, and then upload your level so that everyone can see your hard work pay-off.
5 Fable 2
Peter Moleneuix (it think that's how it's spelled) can sell anything, and is a gaming genious. Many people were dissapointed with the original Fable because Peter had promised then too much and unfortuantly didn't deliver. But in Fable 2, Peter claims he's only sharing info about the game that is confirmed to be inside of the game. For starters the combat in the game will be heavily affected by yours and your enemies locations. If you're standing by a chair instead of drawing your sword fist thing, you'll kick the chair at your enemy-this is just one of the less exciting features and examples of environmetal combat. The second thing Fable 2 is going to attempt is to have you get emotionally involved with the characters and everything inside of the game. You'll be able to have children (yes, If you're playing as a girl you can get pregnant), people will congradulate you for your actions, and the craziest about Fable 2 is that you'll have a dog. Your little friend will do anything for you. He'll protect you, show you where enemies are, and if you're heartless and abandon your mutt once he gets injured he'll goo out of his way to track you down and be reunited with you all on his own. Fable 2 seems more like a simulation of some one's life and less like a game...but either way it looks to be very intruiging.
4. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Very little of this game has been seen. The latest trailer, however, litterally blew me away. To me FFVXIII looks to be a better action game than Devil May Cry, at least on the context of which game looks more goth in it's **** Also the graphics look absolutely beautiful. I mean I though they were better than FFVII: Advent Children. But when you see the main character jumping around snaping copper necks, defflecting bullets, and warping in intense get a more exhillerating feeling than any combo in Devil May Cry can provide...and that's only the trailer. God only knows how awsome the finished product will look.
3. Tomb Raider: Underworld
Tomb Raider has deffinantly had it's ups and downs...but Crystal Dynamics has birthed a new life into the TR franchise, and in my opinion has made it better than ever. They proved this to me with Anniversary and with Underworld being promised as the first true Next-gen TR experience I want to see more. Dead bodies and carcasses will remain in their place of demise indeffinantly, Lara will actually get mud, dirt, and grime stains and textures in the exact place that she get dirty instead of a pre-rendered pattern designed for dirt. These stains can only be removed by rain or other sources of water. The water and rain will make surfaces more slippery as well. The lighting in TRU also looks amazing, whenever you're by moss Lara's skin will take a greener hue and like-wise with other substances. The name Underworld doesn't come from no where either. most of the places you'll explore in Underworld will be underground tombs with a plotline relating to a "hell" of some sorts...One other improvement that CD has promised was that the combat will be enhanced with actual melee attacks and combos to fend off those pesky critters. The envirtonments in TRU have also been made to epic proportions which provide plenty of leeway for exploration and multiple solutions to the game's puzzles. Tomb Raider has a sentimental place in my heart as well...but I'll stay out of that subject since these blogs don't need to be any sappier hehe...
2. Persona 3: Fes
The PS2 still has some fight in it. Persona 3 is my second favorite game ever. It's an RPG where you take the role of a high school student who soon gets involved in a war against beings called Shadows that only roam around in the Dark Hour, a time period that takes place only between 12:00am and 12:01am. Everyone but you and a few others are subject to this time period while everyone else is put into these giant coffins. The shadows are causing people to get sick with something called "Apathy Syndrome" and are refered to by your team as "The lost". It's your job to stop these shadows by exploring a giant tower called "Tartarus" (yup. it's another word for hell) where most of the shadows are located. There are so many plot-twists in P3 that it really does take a toll on you, especially because it humanises your character by having to attend school, manage your own health, and establish friendship and girlfriends and try not to piss the off in the process. All of these elements need to be played in order to be truely appreciated. However, the thing that makes P3 really stand out in the public's eyes is that whenever you make an have to shoot yourself in the head with an object called an evoker which then shows glass shatter out the side of your head and summon a persona to do your bidding. Not to also mention that P3 has one of the best game stories I've ever seen....and FES will be a truely new and enhanced experience. FES will feature new Animations/cut-scenes, a weapon synthesis system, New S. links, new persona's, and most importantly a completely new 30+ hour stand alone story mode where you take the role of one of the game's other main characters, Aigis, a female designed robot made for destroying shadows. Yeah...I want it.
1. Ninja Gaiden II
This game will dominate everything that comes out this year...or even ever. Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox had its problems, but were easily overlooked by the fun and challenge of the game. Ninja Gaiden II has improved on these problems, mainly the camera which is now one of the best things about the game. Also Itagaki has made NGII more accesable to newcommers who find NG to be too hard. But more importantly NGII will feature more moves, more weapons, more enemies...and most noticable ALOT of more blood..really...alot more blood. Gore will shoot out of any wound you inflict on your enemy similar to Kill Bill, and you can also do more ninpo attacks. my personal favorite is the new wind one where Ryu summons a giant gust to surround him and dice any of his adversaries to bits who are within the degnated distance, the result is a red screen of pure awsomeness. Also this time Ryu will be able to dismember any bodypart of his enemy that he slices through. Yeah, Conan did it, but the NGII version is much more flashy and alot more polished. Ryu is also as fast as ever. One of the funnest things about NG was how fast it was and in II they've made it even more intense, while maintaining enough controll to make the action still clear so you can see everything that is happening on the screen..I could go on for hours about NGII. Like the fact that this game has been the system seller for me...can't wait.