First I do not claim to be a hardcore gamer. I could be nothing further from it. I average maybe 12 hours a week play time. I'm sure people get more in. Now that the disclaimer is done about my level of gaming, let's move on to the real reason for this. I tend to be more of a forum lurker than a poster. I post on occasion with a question or witty remark. But the one thing I have notice about some forums are the continuous bashing or complaining amongst fellow gamer. Sure some people deserved to be flamed, while other are just caught in the crossfire. The real reason for this is the whole, "This game should/Is this game coming to XXX system?" question.
The best example is Metal Gear 4. Some people post asking will it come to the 360 or not. And as soon as that is posted people respond with how crappy the 360 is and that he should be happy with Halo. Let us PS3 owners have ours type of mentality. Also it's the "I want to see the PS3 fail mentality". I personally own a 360. I enjoy it. I also love the Metal Gear series. Do I want to see the game come to the 360? Meh, I could care less if it does. I am tired to seeing the "this technology is better than that one". Who cares? Well obviously they do. Yeah a lot of exclusives ended up going multi-platform, and I guess they did real well. But I don't understand why people want Metal Gear to go multi-platform. I can agree that the PS3 is pretty high priced. But, you know I may have to scrounge the money up and go purchase one to play it. The same with Final Fantasy XIII.
I know this is not going to stop people from posting that asinine topic anymore, but I feel that the 360 needs some good competition. To me this will allow both consoles to put forth their best titles instead of some cut rate titles. So there coming from a 360 owner, I hope MGS4 stays an exclusive. Thanks for listening!