This is a real quick blog and I will not be going into much detail on what's been going on. I have given up on FFXI for now, not one of those I'm not playing and next week I will be in saying how much I want to finish things. Nope, account canceled and I have no access unless I reactivate the account. I may return, I have not rules that out. I returned Force Unleashed, got to a point where I was stuck found out what I needed to do and then never revisited it. Also gave up on Assassin's Creed 1000/1000 due to getting bored with it.
I did however finish Lego Batman and got the 1000/1000 and now an currently finishing up Oblivion. I am almost done with The Shivering Isle. expansion. Then all I will have to do is finish the thieves guild then I will have totally finished all of the story lines and main quests. Phew, it's been a long time working on that but it's been fun. I have Fallout 3 on order and should get it in a few days. I will report back on what I think of that as I play it.
That is it for now, I have also considered picking up Eternal Sonata again since it has been a long time since I have played it. I've forgotten where I am in the game, and probably what the heck is going on as well. Until next time.
I am out.