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Vana' diel I am home again!

Ok so it's been a while since I've added an entry to my blog. Well this will be an update on what's going on here more than a rant. To be honest I haven't really found much to be upset about lately. Other than minor comments on YouTube.
I have returned to FFXI, and I am actually enjoying the game again. I have switched professions. I've taken Warrior up and so far am enjoying it. I got WAR up to 18 which means I can use it as a sub job until 37. In reality I can only take WAR up to 22 since I need to raise MNK for a subjob, right now it is only 11. Ugh I have what 3 jobs to take through the dunes? So MNK, NIN and PLD (maybe SAM). Oh the joy of the Dunes. I think I have decided to take up PLD for a while since I have always been partial to it. However I would like to work on COR. It seems like a fun job. Mebbe I will work on RNG to see. So many jobs so little time, money , and well time. I will let everyone know what I decide.
I have returned Bioshock and Princess Peach. I played through Princess Peach and it was fun up until I came to the part where you have to hold still in a pose. Yeah I get it that you have to show skill. But when you get frustrated with a game, it starts to become less fun and more of a waste. I really got upset having to do a room over and over again. So I calmly put it back in it's return envelope.
Bioshock was returned because I haven't played it in a few weeks. I have enjoyed the game. It is fun. and exciting. However when you look in your drawer of games and say oh wow I still have this, yeah it is time to return it. Hey it is a game Fly game, I can borrow it again later if I choose. Right now I put Force Unleashed on my Queue so it will ship when it's released. I also put in for Bullet Witch, I heard some pretty bad things about it. So that may mean I will like it. HA! Oh well I will know in a few days when it comes in. I will put my point of view on it up as soon as I play it.
I also purchased Shivering Isles for Oblivion. It's a little weird but just like Oblivion it's fun to run around killing baddies. I use Oblivion as a I am bored game. Don't want to play FF or any other game in my collection. I also preordered Lego Batman. I hope it's enjoyable as Indian Jones. I will see when it comes out on the 23rd. I have also been tinkering around with Bionic Commando: ReArmed. Ahh just like the retro game, just with more stuff. LOL. It's not too bad. I really need to get a grip on he swing mechanics. Really, if you mess up you are basically toast. Some of the achievements too are fairly difficult if you do not have a good grasp on swinging. Eh, still it's fun none the less.
I am off to log on FF and collect more necklaces for my ninjitsu scrolls. I'll try to be more diligent with updates and rants. I might actually start a mock column about the jobs in FFXI. I've done a few so far and have gotten decent feedback on them. No I am not going to mock the ones I don't like, I am going to make an attempt to do them all. Some are more difficult than others. For now I am off to play another day or so.