At first, gaming of course... =)Playing guitar and a bit keyboardDrawingListening to musicSinging [ even I have astupid voice... ]ReadingAnime / MangaDriving car... etc. °_°
Usally I go to bed, while school time, about 9-10 pm, but then I am always gaming at least 1-2 hours. xD"When we have vacations, I am awaken up to... hm...veryyyy long. xD 3-4 am I guess... °_°
Jup, I do count them. Because, in the end, I want to know how many hours I have spent with playing videogames... :D"
Definately Metal Gear Solid 3.At first because it is just.. epic. And it was the first one of the series that I have played.Then... I just love the whole setting, the story,the characters...Mostly.. because of young Adamska? xD I love to see him been kinda "bullied" by the others the whole time. general, I like all the games.
Hm... I do not remember exactly which my last classic game was,but I guess... it has been Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls for the GBA. °_°V
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