Well... I don't think the 360 is in its prime yet. Sure there are great games but nothing as of this time and date to make people give on ps2 and xbox.
There are a lot of factors waying in right now.
First is the price of this console worldwide. There is no standard for pricing on the 360. When it comes to price, look at uk compared to NA....its way to much for people to JUMP IN.
Second is the competition is deeper then 360 vs ps3....you gotta remember there are people who enjoy the Wii and its price point.
Some people might of been willing to get a 360 but for price of wii and games that equals a 360.
Third is and I don't blame people is all the hardware issues. A friend of mine just suffered that fate last night. Bought his console when gears came out, lasted almost a year for himbut still even with teh 3y warrenty MS offers to me its still not good enough.
Personally what they should of did is partner up with a retailer on this warrenty and allow people to exchange system only at the retailer. No one but MS themselves still get hurt this way. The wait times for a new 360 would be no more or much less. The retailers themselves don't even get hurt really if they keep enough in stock because anything returned to them gets credited back from the company that ships the product, in this case MS which loses anyway on either repair labour or new console. As long as the retailer has enough in stock to sell additional ones then its all good.
I know I would be super pissed if I had to wait anymore then 5 business days to get a console back from day I placed my call.
And the last reason why it isnt selling well is the real special people in life that hold on to brand loyalty with SONY.
Some people actually convince themselves that because the ps1 and ps2 were da bombbb they automatically assume the ps3 will be. No one in their right mind could play both systems and say the ps3 is better when it is at best equal if not worse.
Just my thoughts on it
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