to kingofcosmos: thanks for the info, but if you can add some examples of a puzzle that you found hard to figure out (without disclosing the solution) i might just have dad nailed.
to nintendoman: i apologize for being rude but the last thread was more damaging than helpful.
to everyone else: keep the info coming, at this rate i'll have dad convinced by christmas.
ps: i can't stress the importance of examples enough.
some background info: i'm 15 years old, my dad has a vendetta against fps's (but loves games that make you thing (eg: zelda)) and my mom doesn't give a rat's left nut as long as my dad is ok with the game.
I want facts about the game regarding violence level, amount of puzzles, what ESRB means by "animated blood" in the game and examples of all 3.
I do not want the bullsnot i got last time I wrote a similar thread about buying the game myself, it being up to my parents (I figured that one out a while ago) or that my parents are (insert insult here).
the reason i started a new thread was because most of what I got was the horsepiss I mentioned above.
love them or hate them, discuss your favorite and least favorite open source game. also, this thread should be the primary thread for linux users who want games (yes, there are awsome games for linux)
ps: don't post on this thread to ask what an open source game is. just look it up on google
while samus isn't the most "badass" game character (we smart people call them antihero) she is still more antihero than link, and certainly more antihero than wario whose best weapon is a garlic induced fart.
did someone say "new zelda game"? I hope it's a sequel to TP where link enherits the twilight realm from minda and can turn into a shadow beast. gimme, gimme, gimme!
dragon sword is really addictive and awsome. short but challenging (the boss battles really hard until you get the bow). dragon sword definitely gets my vote.
I didn't think of majora's mask, but it would be awsome on ds and could work with the ds's internal clock, i'm not saying it would have to be in real world time (that would actually be kinda lame), but they could scale it so an hour was 6 minutes or something. although I still think OOT would at least sell better.
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