@Henninger: TFW no more hail storm, master of magnetism or weapon x. Why is Spencer even in this game tho? Who the hell cares about that lame ass character from a game nobody even played. ;(
I'm still pondering on if I should cancel my pre-order. I dislike the roster, the graphics, the music, and not a fan of the switching mechanic or the gem properties either.
The 3v3 and assists were a staple of the series, but this new game feels more like a super broken version of "Street Fighter x Tekken", which I didn't like. And to be clear, I'm not saying that the game is bad, just that from what I've seen so far and the demo I'm not liking anything about it.
Marvel has always been my jam but I'm not even remotely hype for this game, which is crazy. Capcom really have become experts at killing the hype.
He says that while at the same time a crap ton of old ass games are being sold in the PS Store... He should be honest and say that Sony doesn't care about BC because it doesn't make them as much money as making people buy the same games again and again.
lllll1lll2ll's comments