Today, video games are getting way TOO serious. People are becoming crazed addicts and actually killing people for their games!! I mean, its only a hobby some people have that should be fun. But people like that are making gaming too serious for their health.
You didn't hear of a "Donkey Kong Killer". On August 12th, 1983 young Pete Williams viciously attacked his father and brother. His brother later died of immense bleeding. The killer said his brother wasn't letting him play Donkey Kong and his dad took it away.
Seriously though, Where has gaming gone? The very first "Video Game" was released in 1948 and let the player control a small laser that shot out missiles to a drawn target or two. The first century of Gaming was simple, and fun.
Video Games is a Multi-Billion Dollar business TODAY. That is up there with the the Adult Business.
The very FIRST "Gaming" type of thing was 3000 BC. Dice. You know the thing EVERYONE uses, aka die. You see, that was an excellent invention that we still use today for, not for video games, but for gaming itself. Do you really think in a few hundred years everyone will be playing Gears of War saying it was a great invention? No. That will be old news in a decade.
What I am trying to say is that gaming has become too serious for some people and losing its fun. I still enjoy playing games but look at those people who have the world's most Gamerscore, or Trophies. Do you think they still "have fun"? Or are they just trying to rack up their score with random games. Do you guys understand how many video games are released and being bult on each day? Google it.
This "Hobby" some call it has become people's lives. I know that is only related to a few people but it still matters. Its losing its fun and trying to get better graphics, and better mechanics. Games are still fun but don't you remember when playing Donkey Kong Country and finding out the hidden places and the sweet ass barrels were? That was extreme. Now that is pathetic.
I just hope someone reads this and thinks about this multip-billion dollar hobby we are all into.
Note: This is just my opinion! No hard feelings please!