@SIDEFX1 I agree on the WiiU's likely success the first months, probably year after release. But just like the Wii, it is not likely to last much longer. Most gamers bought the Wii out of novelty, curiosity, and so did casual gamers. After some time, the lack of 3rd party games and inferior graphic capacity made most stash their console for more serious (non mini-game dependent) ones. Graphics WILL look great, I bet, but only compared to current-gen consoles. Once the PS and Xbox set the bar higher, the WiiU will probably look regular. I don't think the problem is the controller really. Look 10 years back and you will see gamepads barely change in button positioning and joystick layout. What the gaming industry needs in innovation in games. And that is what got nintendo where it is now. Look at Super Mario, Super Smash Bros, Zelda, Kirby, etc. You could play any of those games with a normal gamepad, yet they are/were the first in their category, and ultimately, the best. Most of these games today barely even use the wii remote but for a few swings (SSBB doesn't even use it at all). So yeah, the WiiU will probably succeed, but it will NOT stick around.
lmerlo72's comments