lnknprk_45's comments

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In response to the confused Gears fan remark he made, people are complaining that there aren't any Locust because they just got lazy and made it COG vs COG. A Pendulum Wars game wouldn't be COG vs COG, it would be COG vs UIR. While the Locust would be missing, it wouldn't get the same backlash because the UIR would be their own faction with their own characters similar to how Locusts are their own separate characters from the COG.

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Edited By lnknprk_45

Did I want to buy the Arrival DLC? No, but it was made clear that it was going to be a lead in to ME3, so I bought it and played it. The Arrival served no purpose other than to tie into ME3. If you had any intent on playing ME3, that was the DLC to play. They all play some part in ME3, but that was the one that would have avoided the WTF moment in the beginning.