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Excerpts from my lil' black book

I used to own a black pocket note book in which I wrote my stories poems and all that stuff.

It has now been replaced by a cute white one that has a heart warming message on the cover.....you've probably seen some, it says "GET A LIFE" on them......cute

Anyway....I want to share some of my writings with whoever actually reads my journal....Be warned they are very strange and have no head or tail ok?


Look, its raining flowers!....I'm not afraid

I actually feel warm on the inside

I can see a puddle of liquid silver with an upturned lemon floating inside.

Time goes by and my eyes turn green

Flowers don't fall anymore, now they crawl

A mirror stands infront of me, I cannot see my reflection....but I'm cold

My mind drifts but my body is wide awake

Crystal walls protect me

I'm sleepy....I sleep.....darkness...

I simply cannot believe this...

Ok it is now official

I am the softest person to have ever walked the surface of our planet

Check this out:

I got Jade Empire, finished it in a week. Up 'till now all's ok

The moment I finished it; I started the game again to follow the way of the closed fist (I suffer from inherent kindness so I always walk the righteous path first) but read this out:

I felt bad about being unkind to my companions!!......WHO THE HELL FEELS BAD FOR MISTREATING A COMPUTER PROGRAM??!?!?!?

Hell......I'm twisted in a horrible way....must be an assembly line mistake....I swear the rest of the things that got off the same assembly line I did turned out ok...

Weirdness collection vol. whatever

I like to consider myself a multifaceted person yes?. Recently I've been showing only my more....how to put it...civilized face to the world, thus holding back my random side (which if you spent time with me, you would see more often)

So don't be surprised if during the next week I start writing a little bit differently than I normally do....also I may post some things I said I would but didn't because I was lazy but now I can so I will.......with cheese on it

Oh, and by the way.....check out his videos I found they are all sick (in a good sense, no porn here no sir...at all)

This one is the epitome of sick (in a good way really):


This one has the ultimate truth in it (bear with the guy please):


This one will give you nightmares:


And last (but not least) this one will give you a headache if you dare try and reason it:


Ok....I'll look for more later....visit ill will press while you're at it...


My makeover is done!

I went and changed everything!

I have a new avatar (no one ever uses Raijin) I also got a new sig and placed a picture on my journal.

That's supposed to be me on a bad day, took me forever to draw that.....the face that is, I wanted it to look at least a littlebit like me. I think I did a good job. go to my space and check the pictures where I appear so you can compare yourself!!

That's all for now, I'll rant about some crappy events later on ok?

Big laughs

Its funny how I can laugh with my younger cousins, they are like ten years younger than me yet we get along fine

Yesterday I was beating them up at Smash Bros. melee along with my bro and laughe at every little thing that happened, after that my not-so-young brother and me (cut me some slack, I'm the eldest of six brothers that's the best way to describe them) used our time killing all the lights in the house and scaring the bajeezuz out of the younger crew...the looks on they're faces were hilarious.

Some tricks we thought up were quite ingenious, for example. When they went to get a sip of water, we waited until they turned on the light, thus ending the night-vision effect you gain when standing in the dark. That's when I ran in and killed the lights leaving them walking around blind and my brother beat them up with a plastic bat.

My favorite was throwing myself at my room's entrance, they could not see my huge body mass lying there so when they tried to walk in on our room, I grabbed they're ankles and tripped them....they shouted like souls taken away by the devil.

I must have slept at 2am abd woke up at 6am this morning so I'm sleepy and prone to make mistakes on my spelling.

Weeeell, how are you guys doing? hope you're all ok!


Doushte? Now my guts (and the rest of my body) hates ME!

So....after composing myself I decided it was high-times I returned to do some sporty activity. And that I did, I returned to TKD in full force but after one month and a half of doing zip, it was murder on my legs.

Check this out, in three days of training I strained my body so much that I snapped a muscle on my left thigh and one on my right shoulder. Plus I've been waking up at 6am to take my bro to a summer camp.....add that up and you have a very angry body that is having it's revenge.

In other news, I've taken to drawing.

I really sucked at it but now I'm feeling good about how my drawings have been turning out. I've been storing them on my space and keep adding drawings every three days more or less.

If anyone is interested do stop by and leave a comment , tha album's name is 'dibs'

the address for this page is: spaces.msn.com/members/lnmgc

So, how's life treatin' y'all?

I hate my guts

Today has definetely not been my day.

Not just today y'know? its just I blew up today, this vacation turned up to be a freakin fiasco

First off there's my mama, she went all hay wired on me cuas I got a mean case of adware on my PC. This is no ordinary asdware, the frogging thing makes porn pages appear as my favorite webpages therefore when my mama used my PC she went all "you are a perv degenerat piece of...." you get the idea no?

Then there is my lame lil' brother, he somehow managed to flunk three subjects (he's on junior high....who the hell flunks in JH?) so he messed up the family's vacation schedule making it impossible for me to go to Queretaro to visit my GF. How is this bad you ask? SIMPLE. She's been gone for two months now, I'm achin' to see her but since I won't be able to go visit for a week, I'll only see her for three days before she goes on some stupid thing she was planning and won't be back for SIX FREAKIN' MONTHS

Today I got a call from her and she started rambling about all the things she was planning for us to do once I got her and I just couldn't take it y'know? I got so angry I almost smacked my brother out the window. The only thing that stopped me from doing it is I stormed out of the house before I had the chance. Iwas out for like two hours just walking around.

The cherry on top of this preety sundae is that mommy dearest signed me up on some stupid singing lessons.....I can already freakin' sing for crying out loud, she says that this will help me develop the "colors on my voice palette"

Shait....I cannot believe I'm actually 19 years old....I hate my guts

I can Freakin post again!!!!

It must have to do something with the 10 GB or so that I shaved off my PC but I can finally post again!!

I'd like to give very special thanks to Kosh, who took some of her valuable time and dedicated it to posting my trash. Huggles for you girl!!!

Also, I want to thank Asuka for being the first one to answer my call for help and kept checking back to see how I was doing!!

You both rock, girls!!

So...back to nonesense now...

Have you all noticed how mesmerizing lava lamps can be?

I had wanted to get one since I can use my mental faculties, and now that I've got one I'm loving it greatly!!

Not really much more to say...last few days I've been playing Tenchu fatal shadows like crazy and I think

it may be starting to affect me. I mean seriously, I can understand that at age 19 I still dream of becoming a ninja but stalking my brothers and continuosly stabbing and slashing at them with toy knives hardly seem in character.....hehe but its fun.

In fact I have sneaked behind you and am poking your kidneys with a toy knife....umm....NINJA AWAY!!!!!

I is back

Oi, hello guys!! I'm back and crispy tanned, the beach was good to me and I returned home without experiencing sand in me buns (arrgh!!!)

Anyways, I also went shopping and came back with a lot of mally goodness, I've got new shorts, a new game (ultra-yay!!), and a jedi knight (I wanted to get Shaak Ti, but I could not find her. Got Aayla Secura instead!!)

The family members I went with are totally nuts! we had a grand time and were laughing about 95% of the time (the other 5% was sleepy time)

So....how are you guys doing? anything new?

Looking up!!

This holidays will be soooo cool!

First off, I get to go to the beach cause my uncle invited me (probably to keep an eye on my lil' cousin but, hey!, its the beach)

Then I go out a full week to Queretaro to visit my girlfriend (she's not gone yet but I'll go see her)

and I also get to go to Veracruz with my whole family, this summer will totally rock!

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