lobodob's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 38 (4%)
Rank: DJ Boy
Points: 1373794

lobodob's Emblems

  • Readers' Choice 2007 Chooser

    Official Participant in 2007 Readers' Choice Awards. In a year that could only be rivaled by 1998, this user made their voice heard in GameSpot's 12th-annual Readers' Choice Awards. . . Now known as "Best of."

  • Animal Crossing City Folk Live Gameplay Marathon

    Tom Nook's Still a Crook! This faithful person joined us for our live gameplay marathon of Animal Crossing City Folk. We dug up fossils together, fished together, and delighted in all things Animal Crossing.

  • Greatest Game Hero Preliminary Voter

    This emblem shows that you got into GameSpot’s Greatest Game Hero competition on the ground floor by voting for the 10 additional characters added to the main list. Rock the vote!

  • Greatest Game Hero Bracket Submitter

    This emblem shows that you’ve submitted a bracket for GameSpot’s Greatest Game Hero competition. Let’s get in there and fight!

  • E3 2010 Microsoft Conference Attendee

    I was there for Microsoft's E3 2010 press conference! No really, I was. I even saw it live, with the Kinects and the Halos, and I've got this sweet achievement to prove it!

  • E3 2010 Nintendo Conference Attendee

    I was there for Nintendo's E3 2010 press conference! No really, I was. I even saw it live, with the 3DSs and the Metroids, and I've got this sweet achievement to prove it!

  • E3 2010 Ballot Stuffer

    Because voting once is never enough. These highly dedicated fans led their own successful grassroots campaign of one and voted in every single category of the Best of E3 2010 Awards.

  • Greatest Game Villain Bouncer

    Because we can't just let anyone in. This user voted in the All Time Greatest Game Villain wild card round to help determine the final ten villains to join the battle royale.

  • Greatest Game Villain Henchman

    Hey, everyone's got to start somewhere. These loyal minions created a bracket to guess at who is the most vile of them all. Let's hope they don't get caught betting against their overlords!

  • Greatest Game Villain Miniboss

    From villainesque to full-blown villainy. Your loyalty proven by ranking in the top 1000 among your sniveling competitors, your new job is to wait in the middle of the level for an unsuspecting hero, like a boss.

  • Greatest Game Villain Staff Subjugator

    They have fallen before you like blades of grass on mowing day. This evildoer defeated the Dark Lords of GameSpot at their own game, throwing the Internet into unbalance and threatening all. Good job!

  • Greatest Game Villain D-List Evildoer

    You did bad, kid, but not bad enough. This junior class henchperson managed to pick the overall winner, but scored less than 100 points in the competition.

  • E3 2011 Microsoft Conference Attendee

    E3's just not the same without dudes getting chainsawed in half, amirite? I watched the Microsoft E3 2011 press conference during the week of E3, and am a better person for it.

  • Best of E3 2011 Readers' Choice Chooser

    Participant in the Best of E3 2011 Readers' Choice awards. I voted for every category in the Best of E3 2011 awards and made my voice heard.

  • Greatest Game Sidekick Bracket Bender

    Have you seen my bracket, bro? It's straight baller! This user predicted the greatest sidekick and created a bracket. Let the bropacalypse begin!