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Did you ever get a suddon urge to play through a game you finished already?

I have recently started replaying some of the better games that came out when I was younger (I also decided to replay some more recent games just for the heck of it since I was running out of old games to play that is >.> )

I have finished many games in this month long process (I couldn't play each and every day all day long so don't laugh at me :p.

I'm talking about games like Warcraft 2+3(expansions included) and Might And Magic 6-8 (9 sucked) and the Diablo games and dungeon keeper games when finishing a game once wasn't enough and a replay would yield a different experience then the first play.

Also off the top of my head here are some great games I played at least twice just to get the full experience out of them before I forgot about them.

MGS1+2(never played 3 )

FF VIII IX X (Never managed to play 7 since english isn't my original language and I was too young to understand what hte heck was happening when my big brother played it back in the day on the PC).

Neverwinter Nights 1 + 2.

Heart of Darkness.

Prince of persia many games in the series.

several Ratchet and Clank Jak and Daxter Sly Raccoon and Crash Bandicoot games.

Baldure's gate series (awesome series back in the day :p).

Heroes of might and magic 3 (did the entire campaign twice for like each game)

There are many more great games which are just not in my head right now.

Suffice it to say I find a good quality game and I have nothing to do I will replay it at least once to get the full experience out of it until I find the next high quality game. (wouldn't you ;)

No reason to play every game that ever came out (especially if 75% of these are of the pass over and lose nothing sort)

So sony has to share FF13 now with Microsoft Is it the end of the world you say?


Actually he makes some sense if you think about it.
In the end of the day look at it this way Bioshock was supposed to never come to the PS3 well now it is and with better looks and more features.
Eternal sonata same thing gonna buy that game woot ^_^.
Even left 4 dead.
And AC which first was supposed to be a PS3 game I thikn was coming to the 360 or if it's the other way around does not matter since the point I'm trying to make is this:
In the end of 2010 we are gonna basically be getting almost every 3rd party game out for both the 360 and the PS3 if it's high depth or for the DS and WII if it's not.
We are gonna differentiate the systems only on their own 1st party games and features they can produce not on what their 3rd party games sell like.
So the Future of the PS3 when you look at it this way isn't so bad not one bit once Home finally comes along late summer 2008 hopefully things will look different.

My PS3 Game collection Pictures...not included that's right use your imagination

Hi I'm logboy and your viewing what I have written for 10 minutes time hope you manage to read it all and please leave a comment with your personal thoughts on it ;).
And Please guys and gals don't bash my opinions if you disagree I would love to argue all you want but please refer from 5 year old name calling for the sake of all that is decent in this world ok? cool now read on:

Right now in my PS3 drawer I have 10 PS3 game discs and also the MGS4 DVD that I got when I bought the actual Game.
So far I have also played though Turok Ratchet and Clank And Devil May cry 4 from a friend he loaned me them and I loaned him heavenly sword assassni's creed and uncharted.

So In Theory I have now nearly completed 13 PS3 games.

MGS4 GTA4 of course Who didn't buy these games really?

Heavenly sword was short but man was it good ^_^.

Uncharted was a bit longer and just as awesome only on a different aspect awesome game.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma It was hard to finish this game and satisfying so it did it's job I guess :).

Folklore haven't completely finished it yet but this game is awesome.

Motorostorm and resistance got them first hand finished resistance never finished Motorostorm Waiting for my Duelshock 3 to arrive to play it on heared it adds a whole new level to it.

Assassin's Creed repetetive as they say but I still managed to finish it and enjoyed some of it's aspects like free roaming and city climbing in a fun factor that was extremely good :).

And the best online gaming I've had on my PS3 so far was obviously from COD4 now I have a mic and in search of a clan that uses one if you would like to contact me I would love the chance to prove my worth my ID as you can see in my signature is logboyo.

And The games my friend loaned me R&C(Awesome game) Devil May Cry 4(OMG this game is even more repetetive then Assassin's Creed I can't seem to finish it.

MGS sells well sure but what can LBP Achieve eventually?

MGS4 is an epic experience of a game it's awesome in jsut about every aspect mostly for fans but newcomers can enjoy the awesome graphics and gameplay mechanics just as much as the long time fans so it's just about one of the better games this gen so far for sure.

But unlike LBP MGS4 is not a game that can continue selling well for long periouds of time simply because It's online is not it's main focus which is the big apeal these days for people PS3 and 360 Players alike these days preffer to interact with other people in the end no?

Now think about that and Think about LBP what kind of game is it really?
It's a game that thrives as much as people can make it thrive...Meaning It's a game that makes people invite other people they know to play it with them and as more people join the game and buy it from day 1 even until 6 months time it's community will grow and attract new players constantly just like WOW Did It didn't sell 10 milion in the first day not even the first 2 months it slowly Sold more and more constantly barely showing signs of slowing because it spread like an ugly disease.

I think LBP might do this as well and if so let's hope it spreads like ice cream can spread inside a cup filling it up (you know whta I mean a good kind of spreading :p) in the end if people with some creativity buy this game and make maps for it and are friendly enough it's bound to attract more people to get it and eventually after almost a year might even outsell MGS4.

I don't know if any of this makes much sense but to me it does if it doesn't to you that's your opinion and I'm supposed to respect that...not that I do >.>

Ok here goes :O

I guess I can make an attempt at making a little post in this thinga majig here :o.
So I guess I will try to make a short blog post now for your viewing pleasure.

OK here goes :D

Hi my name is loggerz but my original gamer name was always logboy strange it was already taken on this sight but whatever loggerz is a nickname I got in WOW although my friends just call me log so I made an alt in that game named loggers and I also like that name so that's ok ^-^, but enough about that that's not important :o, not like this entire thing is but what the heck who gives a damn right? :>

I just wanted to say one thing to all who read this I hope this benifits you as It did me there is a new Online internet Gaming show called Invisible Walls on Gametrailers.com that's called IW for short I find it to be a very enjoyable view every time I watch it the guys who host it are actually funny and know what their talking about and for another their not biased which is hard to find this day ^_^.
So I wanted to recommend to you all to watch it if you can spare the "precious computer time" of your day :p to do so here is a little LINK (hehe get the pun?:) ok wasn't that funny I guess >.> but whatever that's the link and hope you enjoy watching it as I have it's still fairly new and already It has grown on me more then on the spot from gamespot.com ever did :D.
Don't think I advertise anything here I'm just trying to be a nice enough guy to let other people who don't have the power to search for QUALITY THINGS on the internet to have an easy access to it :D.

If I will and I don't know if that will happen but who knows make any more blog posts like this in the future (if you can call it a "blog post" for that matter) I will try to make them mainly to offer people guidance to find quality in this great thing we call the World Wide Web of the internet :D.

Thank you all for reading whoever you are and good bye ^-^.

(I know that wasn't so good :p but hey I'm not an English man by any rights and It's not my native language so forgive me if I was not writing coherently enough for you guys :( to understand)

And again to you all good bye and a good night :D.

Log out.