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Did you ever get a suddon urge to play through a game you finished already?

I have recently started replaying some of the better games that came out when I was younger (I also decided to replay some more recent games just for the heck of it since I was running out of old games to play that is >.> )

I have finished many games in this month long process (I couldn't play each and every day all day long so don't laugh at me :p.

I'm talking about games like Warcraft 2+3(expansions included) and Might And Magic 6-8 (9 sucked) and the Diablo games and dungeon keeper games when finishing a game once wasn't enough and a replay would yield a different experience then the first play.

Also off the top of my head here are some great games I played at least twice just to get the full experience out of them before I forgot about them.

MGS1+2(never played 3 )

FF VIII IX X (Never managed to play 7 since english isn't my original language and I was too young to understand what hte heck was happening when my big brother played it back in the day on the PC).

Neverwinter Nights 1 + 2.

Heart of Darkness.

Prince of persia many games in the series.

several Ratchet and Clank Jak and Daxter Sly Raccoon and Crash Bandicoot games.

Baldure's gate series (awesome series back in the day :p).

Heroes of might and magic 3 (did the entire campaign twice for like each game)

There are many more great games which are just not in my head right now.

Suffice it to say I find a good quality game and I have nothing to do I will replay it at least once to get the full experience out of it until I find the next high quality game. (wouldn't you ;)

No reason to play every game that ever came out (especially if 75% of these are of the pass over and lose nothing sort)