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Muramasa: Rebirth: Finally a game that makes Vita 100% worth having

Don't get me wrong, I love my Vita--at least in theory--but up until I popped this little chip into my fancy, white Assassins Creeed model, I didn't really feel the love. Definitely I had a blast playing Little Big Planet Vita and Hot Shots Golf but those were just another entry to an existing. And, sure, Sound Shapes is definitely irreplacable but it just didn't quite feel big enough to be a system maker. Muramasaa: Rebirth just might be. Yeah, I know I just bagged on two other games for being new entries in their respective serieses and this is actually a remake, which I suppose is even worse but something about this game on this system just really works. The bright graphics really pop on the small screen and the artstyle makes you feel like you're holding a piece of art in your hands. The controls feel great straight off the bat and feels right at home even w/ the Vita's teeny buttons. Definitely, if you were on the fence about a Vita, check this out. It's awesome.