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Ouya - I'm into it.

If you are somehow on this site and don't know what this is, this is OUYA:

It is an open Android-based console platform designed from the ground-up as a gaming system. It costs $99 and people are going crazy for it to the tune of almost $4 million raised on Kickstarter in two days through word-of-mouth and media hype. It looks to me to have about PlayStation 2 level graphics and an awesome controller that features standard controls and a touch pad. Is it the real deal? Time will tell.

The thing that surprises me about this development is just how much hate I am seeing about this. Gamers sit and complain about big developers money grabbing practices, focus on graphics over gameplay, focus on the most popular genres and so on and so on but then when something comes out that is build from the start to allow indie devolopers and easy and creative way to put games out on home console, all they do is sit and talk about how it won't work. This is a defeatist attitude. If you want the industry to change, this is an opportunity to support something different. The potential alone is worth the ninenty-nine dollars I put down on it. If it doesn't pan out, at least I can know I put my money where my mouth is. You can too. You'd be naieve to ignore the huge potential for failure here but OUYA's ambition alone is worth the price of a few new release games to support.