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Some initial thoughts on Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Well, not initial since I'd imagine I'm halfway trhough but still preliminary, I suppose. So far I feel it is a pretty signifigant improvement over the first as far as gameplay. The puzzle sections are tougher but there are less places where you just feel mystified as to what to do next because you are missing some path or doorway. Part of this is I know what all the spells do but part of it is the dungeons are just better designed. There are also way less point-of-no-return situations and you can get back to any place on the map at pretty much any point provided you are willing to walk. I am finding myself peeking at FAQs less (Sue me; I have limited time for gaming.) and getting more satisfaction by figuring out things myself. I still recomend people go through the first game first but even if that got annoying for you, you might like the second.