It is nice that so many UMD games are available practically for free. It is hard to not buy more before I play through even just the best of what I have. I am still getting the feeling these are mostly watered down PS2 and PS3 titles but I am less disappointed by this fact now. The games might be small but they do feel big. I miss some of the more advanced modes but I was playing, for instance, Twisted Metal: Head On ovever the weekend and feel like it's a fully immersive gaming experience in a way that playing even my 3DS is not. I get sucked into the great little screen on that maybe even more than I do w/ my full consoles on the TV. In any case, I am quite looking forward to trying out some of the online options with a few of the titles I got so hopefully there's a few players left who still play these old games. I also got a demo of Patapon which seems like it's one of the most unique titles on any console. Stock in PSP is going up!
I am even thinking I might get a Vita at launch but that is another subject entirely.